Artificial Intelligence in Health Care:
Ethics, Law and Human Rights Matters

About WCB, FAB and NBC

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About the World Congress of Bioethics (WCB) platform

In August 2016, the International Association of Bioethics awarded the 14th World Congress of Bioethics (WCB) to the organisations – the Forum for Medical Ethics Society (FMES), Mumbai, MH, India and Sama Resource Group for Women and Health, New Delhi, India. WCB aims to be truly international, linking all those working in bioethics and related fields, facilitating mutual contact, and encouraging the discussion of cross-cultural aspects in bioethics. Past Congresses have been held in Edinburgh (2016), Mexico City (2014), Rotterdam (2012), Singapore (2010), Croatia (2008), China (2006), Australia (2004), Brazil (2002), the United Kingdom (2000), Japan (1998), the United States (1996), Argentina (1994), and Amsterdam (1992).

About International Network on Feminist Approaches to Bioethics (FAB)

FAB is affiliated with the International Association of Bioethics (IAB). FAB's World Congress brings together academics and practitioners from diverse backgrounds to explore and develop feminist perspectives on ethical issues relating to health. It is a vibrant and welcoming gathering that offers significant opportunities to share ideas, learn from others, participate in constructive debates and engage with a supportive network. FAB's World Congress brings together academics and practitioners from diverse backgrounds to explore and develop feminist perspectives on ethical issues relating to health. It is a vibrant and welcoming gathering that offers significant opportunities to share ideas, learn from others, participate in constructive debates and engage with a supportive network.

About the National Bioethics Conference (NBC) platform

The IJME's National Bioethics Conferences are a meeting ground for delegates from India and abroad to report, debate and brainstorm on a wide range of ethical issues in health, health care and health research. Each NBC has witnessed the active participation of bioethicists from across the globe. Past NBCs have been held in Pune (2017), Bengaluru (2014, 2007), Hyderabad (2012), New Delhi (2010), and Mumbai (2005).  NBCs take place every two years in India and are co-hosted by IJME along with other entities.