This paper attempts to address the intersections of gender, caste, class, sexuality, region, and other social attributes, that constitute the social web in India influencing the possibilities and exclusions within sport. Being at the margins of this social web make...

The recent controversy surrounding Covishield vaccine and its rare side effects reported by AstraZeneca raises an important ethical question in public health practice. Public health ethics has not been perceived as distinct from medical ethics and by default, evide...

Period poverty is a widespread public health challenge among women and girls in Bangladesh, marked by poor access to sanitation, limited access to menstrual hygiene products and low education about reproductive and sexual health. Addressing these issues necessitate...

Artificial intelligence (AI) has revolutionised medicine, particularly radiology, transforming our ability to interpret complex imaging data. While traditional methods rely on subjective visual assessments, AI excels at recognising intricate patterns and providing ...
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