IJME COVER Oct-Dec 2024
The job of ethicists is to probe the smooth surface of appearances and expose the reality. An editorial in this…
Research Articles
Attitudes and perceptions of undergraduate medical students about sexual harassment…
A typology framework for unethical medical practices under public health…
A quasi-experimental study of trigger films for teaching the doctor-patient…
Online First
Confused mystification of Ayurvedic concepts

Charaka Samhita, the foremost of ayurvedic classics, categorically states that observations and inferences drawn therefrom are the primary means through which ayurvedic knowledge has been acquired and codified. It declares that, of all types of evidence, that vouch...

Gender and the medical discourse
Sandra Eder, How the Clinic Made Gender: The Medical History of a Transformative Idea. The University of Chicago Press; 2022. Pages: 340, ISBN: 9780226819938.
Ancient DNA research may be conducted in the absence of consent from descendant communities

Background: Ancient deoxyribonucleic acid (aDNA) research studies the genomes of human ancestors. Since the archaeological remains that carry this aDNA are often those of the non-living ancestors of living humans, one less explored question is whether aDNA researc...

Using movies to educate medical students

I read with great interest the article by Khaliq et al on using trigger films to educate undergraduate medical students about the doctor-patient relationship [1]. The authors used Bollywood movie clips with English subtitles.

A qualia-centric approach to Ayurveda and Hindu knowledge systems can address modern science’s blind spot

In this paper, I argue for approaching Ayurveda and Hindu knowledge systems in a qualia-centric manner, the way their originators intended. The materialist assumptions that underlie modern medicine, while undeniably effective, are not the only way to understand the...

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