IJME COVER Jul- Sep 2024
Building strong and equitable health systems is an essential measure of human civilisation. Yet, today, we witness the death by…
Research Articles
Myth and reality of “theory-driven individualised practice” in Ayurveda: Mapping…
Gender awareness among the undergraduate medical students: A cross sectional…
Surfactants and the importance of informed consent: Nurturing culturally competent…
Online First
Childcare and medicine in colonial India
Ranjana Saha, Modern Maternities: Medical Advice about Breastfeeding in Colonial Calcutta (Routledge, 2023), 290 pages, Rs 1295, Hardback ISBN 9781032768243.
Educating healthcare professionals about pharmaceutical promotion

I read with great interest the editorial on the pharmaceutical company–healthcare relationship published in the April-June issue of this journal [1]. Clinical practice guidelines are increasingly used by physicians to guide treatment decisions, and the pharmaceutic...

A quasi-experimental study of trigger films for teaching the doctor-patient relationship

Background: It is challenging to teach the complexity of the doctor-patient relationship through attitude, ethics, and communication (AETCOM) modules, particularly without being formally trained and especially to first-year medical students who do not interact dire...

The sociality of dying: Contextual philosophical reflections on end-of-life care

Sociality is an ineluctable aspect of the human condition. Both the meaning of our existence in the world and the meaning of the end of our existence come to us from the other and their death. Sharing these meanings in joy, grief and angst fills the moments of our ...

Women navigating sexuality in contemporary India: A review of Amrita Narayanan’s Women’s Sexuality and Modern India
Amrita Narayanan. Women's Sexuality and Modern India: In a Rapture of Distress. Oxford University Press, September 2023. 224 pages, Rs 1795/-, ISBN-13: 978-0192859815
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