Category: Editorials
The Clinical Establishments (Registration and Regulation) Bill 2007:…
The state shall regard the raising of the level of nutrition and the standard of living of its people, and the improvement of public health, as among its primary duties and, in particular, the state shall endeavour to bring about prohibition of the consumption except for medicinal purposes of int...
Mass culling for avian influenza: rational strategy or…
Infection by the Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) virus strain H5N1 has wrought periodic havoc in several pockets in the country in the last two years, most recently in West Bengal. Millions of domestic fowl potentially infected with the virus have been slaughtered, affecting the liveliho...
Budget 2008 and health care: less of the…
What is remarkable about the Budget 2008-2009 as far as health care is concerned is that there is nothing remarkable about it. It continues the pattern that has been set in place for well over four decades now, of providing schemes which at best can be called hoodwinking the people. Thus governme...
Health, human rights, and the Golden Rule
Everyone has a right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and his family, including food, clothing, housing, and medical care, and necessary social services.
Medical tourism in India: winners and losers
Promoted by the government and fuelled by the corporate boom in medical care, India is increasingly seen as the favoured destination of "medical tourists" who cross national boundaries to seek treatment that is cheaper than in their home countries. Medical tourism is a multi-billion dollar indust...
Getting doctors to the villages: will compulsion work?
Despite more than a half century of proclamations on primary healthcare, most rural facilities in India continue to lack enough providers, equipment and infrastructure to offer effective and efficient care. In the latest effort to address this inequitable distribution the union health and family ...
The Thorat Committee Report and the good doctor
The Sukhadeo Thorat Committee, constituted to enquire into the alleged harassment of students from the scheduled castes and tribes in the All India Institute of Medical Sciences, found widespread evidence of such harassment. To make matters worse, the committee found that the faculty, largely fro...
Reducing reproductive rights: spousal consent for abortion and…
A recent Supreme Court judgement is unwelcome and regressive for the women's movement, especially for reproductive rights. When hearing an appeal in the Ghosh vs Ghosh divorce case, the court ruled on March 26, 2007: "If a husband submits himself for an operation of sterilisation without medical ...
Binayak Sen: redefining health care in an unjust…
On May 14, 2007, Binayak Sen was arrested by the Chattisgarh police under sections of the Chhatisgarh Special Public Security Act, 2005, and Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act, 1967 (2004) for alleged links with the banned Maoist groups. His arrest was the upshot of his attempts to raise issues...
AIDS vaccine trials in India: ethical benchmarks and…
Vaccines have fascinated public health and clinical practitioners since Edward Jenner's experimental inoculation of a young boy, James Philip, using cowpox blisters of the hand of Sarah Nelmes, a dairy worker. Less than 50 years later vaccination became the preferred method of combating smallpox ...
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