Category: Editorials
Asia’s organ farms
Recent press reports of kidneys being bought and sold in Tamil Nadu only brought to general notice what many doctors and nearly all patients with kidney failure already know: one can buy a kidney in Tamil Nadu or, for that matter, in many parts of this subcontinent. While the k...
Medical professionals and interrogation: lies about finding the…
For some time now, a set of scientists has been glorifying the "magic" of a "truth serum". They insist it can make hard-core criminals talk and spill the truth about their misdeeds. Medical professionals are often involved in experiments, for many decades now, with the various technologies that a...
The draft national pharmaceuticals policy: concerns relating to…
Two predominant issues in the current pharmaceutical scenario in India are data exclusivity and the range of drugs under price control.
Reservations and medical education
Perhaps no event in the recent past captured the imagination of the mainstream media as much as the protests against the proposal to introduce reservations for other backward classes in some institutions of higher education. Although a small but active group of doctors supports reservations, thei...
Misunderstanding malnutrition
Recent reports in the media about illness and death due to malnutrition, in the adivasi belt in Maharashtra and in the slum colonies of Mumbai, have once again highlighted the persistent and deteriorating problem of chronic hunger in India.
Junior doctors, strikes and patient care in public…
The strike by resident doctors of Maharashtra in February and March this year focussed attention once again on the poor state of affairs in public hospitals in India. In the recent past there have been a number of such strikes in various parts of the country.
The Clemenceau debate and occupational health
The proposal to permit the dismantling of the French ship Clemenceau, containing several tonnes of asbestos and other toxic material, led to a lot of discussion in the media. The discussion centred on the pros and cons of permitting the import of hazardous waste from developed countries despite i...
Restricted availability of free anti-rabies vaccine in public…
More than 3 million cases of dog bite occur annually in India and hundreds of thousands of people are exposed to the risk of contracting rabies. But they are deprived of the free anti-rabies vaccine due to several unethical practices of the government and pharmaceutical companies.
Human rights and public health during pandemic influenza
The avian influenza (bird flu) scare is very current in the media Different H and N types of influenza viruses infect birds, mammals and humans. Flu is very common among birds, but is almost always asymptomatic or only mildly pathogenic. Normally, avian flu does not infect humans. Since 1996, a n...
Adolescent girls and marriage decision-making in India: questions…
In two recent Delhi High Court cases, judges recorded that girls below the age of 18 may willingly enter into marriage. The declaration that marriages involving girls below the legal age of marriage are "neither void nor illegal" has several implications for adolescent health as well as for healt...
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