Category: COMMENTS
The revision of the ICH Good Clinical Practice…
The Guideline for Good Clinical Practice (GCP) of the International Conference of Harmonisation (ICH) is an international standard for the ethical and scientific quality of the designing, conducting, recording and reporting of trials that involve the participation of human subjects. Today, most r...
Ethical stumbling blocks in uncovering folate deficiency as…
The year 2016 witnessed the anniversaries of several key events related to the prevention of neural tube defects (NTD) with folate supplementation. However, the road leading up to this achievement was full of stumbling blocks, both in terms of research ethics and researcher ethics. First, the dec...
Ethical management of substance use disorders: the Indian…
Substance use disorders are among the most prevalent and emergent public health problems in India. The treatment of individuals with these disorders is associated with many ethical dilemmas. Due to the pervasiveness of substance use disorders, the majority of mental health professionals working i...
Abortion rights judgment: a ray of hope!
While granting a prisoner the right to abort her foetus, a recent Bombay High Court judgment recognised a woman's absolute right to abortion. This article discusses the judgment in detail and the bioethical debates over abortion rights. It deals with the restrictions imposed by the law not only o...
Patient autonomy within real or valid consent: Samira…
In bioethics literature, the primary justification for the requirement of informed consent has been the protection of autonomous choices. To allow patients to be autonomous decision-makers, physicians are supposed to disclose and share information related to all treatment, procedures and risks. A...
“Exit exams” for medical graduates: a guarantee of…
Despite a great deal of opposition from many segments of the medical community, the Medical Council of India (MCI) has proposed to the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India that a pan-India exit examination be introduced for graduating MBBS doctors. Whether the proposal shoul...
Truth in research labelling
This report describes the background and context of a currently circulating petition to the US Congress that seeks amendment of Section 801 of the Public Health Services Act (42 U.S.C. 282) to close a loophole in existing law which makes possible post hoc adjustment of randomised controlled trial...
Use of pellet guns for crowd control in…
The use of pellet guns during the recent unrest in Kashmir as a method of crowd control has been questioned because of several deaths and numerous injuries. Across the world, these rubber pellets have been shown to inflict serious injuries, permanent disability, and death. The volatility of mob v...
Living kidney donation and masked nationalism in Israel
This paper draws attention to a current trend of masked conditional-nationalist living kidney donation in Israel, to which the local transplant system has been turning a blind eye. The paper seeks to make the international transplant and bioethics communities aware of this disturbing trend. It al...
Ethics in humanitarian services: report on the earthquake…
The Nepal earthquake was one of the biggest natural calamities of the year 2015. This paper attempts to explore the ethical issues involved in the humanitarian services rendered during the crisis and thereafter. The four principles of biomedical ethics – autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence, an...
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