Category: COMMENTS
Human papillomavirus vaccines, complex regional pain syndrome, postural…
Recent concerns about a possible association between exposure of young women to human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines and two "dysautonomic syndromes" (a collection of signs and symptoms thought to be caused by autoimmunity) — complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) and postural orthostatic tachycard...
The IAB Congress 2016: Is there justice in…
This comment contains the reflections of a first-time participant in the 13th International Association of Bioethics Congress (IAB 2016), held from June 14 to 17, 2016, in Edinburgh. At the outset, I would like to make a couple of clarifications. First, the opinions expressed here are my personal...
Ethical concerns related to mandatory reporting of sexual…
The provision of care for survivors of sexual violence is a medico-legal emergency. However, due to social issues, healthcare providers face several ethical and legal dilemmas when administering care to such survivors at hospitals. Added to these are the compulsions under mandatory reporting laws...
Palliative care in Pakistan
Pakistan is a developing country of South East Asia, with all the incumbent difficulties currently being faced by the region. Insufficient public healthcare facilities, poorly regulated private health sector, low budgetary allocation for health, improper priority setting while allocating limited ...
Does “supported decision-making” in India’s Mental Health Care…
The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) requires States to replace their mental health laws based on substitute decision-making for persons with mental health issues with laws based on the supported decision-making paradigm. However, the exact scope of the CRPD's mandates...
Rural blood availability: regulations must meet ethics
Rural physicians have been practising the technique of emergency bleeding and transfusion called Unbanked Directed (to a specific recipient) Blood Transfusion (UDBT), which has been declared illegal, to meet the need for blood in rural and inaccessible areas. As a result, a crisis has emerged in ...
The urgent need for advance directives in India
Many individuals at the end of life are unable to convey their wishes regarding medical treatments. Advance directives (ADs) or living wills (LWs) allow them to crystallise their wishes in a written form so that these can be carried out if the relevant situation arises. In many countries, ADs are...
A reproductive justice perspective on the Purvi Patel…
In the spring of 2015, news media across the world displayed images of a young, South Asian American woman in handcuffs, her long, untied black hair flowing forward and shielding her face as a Caucasian male police officer led her into a UScourt room. In another image, mug shot frontal and profil...
The Epidemic Diseases Act of 1897: public health…
Recently, many states in India have invoked various provisions of the Epidemic Diseases Act of 1897 to control communicable diseases. In this context, the Act was reviewed with reference to its relevance in the current context of surveillance and other relevant Acts and legislations at the nation...
Guidelines for stem cell science and clinical translation
The International Society for Stem Cell Research has released its updated guidelines for stem cell research in order to provide "assurance that stem cell research is conducted with scientific and ethical integrity and that new therapies are evidence-based." The guidelines were updated by a Guidel...
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