Dr Harishchandra Govind Navale
Dr Harishchandra Govind Navale is Assistance Professor, Department of Philosophy in Savitribai Phule Pune University.
His areas of specialisation are Indian Philosophy, Continental Philosophy, Philosophy of Natural Science, Philosophy of Social Sciences, Philosophy of Saint, Environmental Philosophy.
His areas of competence are Modern Indian Philosophers, Bioethics, Indian Philosophies of Life. His areas of interest are Philosophy of Film, Literary Criticism. He has received Dr B. P. Bahirat award for his Ph.D. thesis.
He completed his doctoral research titled A Comparative Study Between Adya Shankaracharya and Saint Jnaneshvar With Special Reference to Their Commentaries on Shrimadbhagadgita in 2011 under the guidance of well known scholar of saint philosophy and historian Dr Sadanand More.
He completed his research on a Critical Study of Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar's Interpretation of Buddism.
His Ongoing Research:
- Concept of Human Dignity from the Perspective of Continental Philosophy (Major Research Project)
- End of the Life issues From the Indian Perspectives
Prof Megha Deuskar completed her Masters in Clinical Psychology from the University of Pune, India in 2001.
She received a scholarship to complete her doctoral degree. Her doctoral work was on "Stress reduction through Yoga Nidra" - a form of Yogic relaxation. She has a deep interest in Yoga and received her Yoga training from the Yoga University, Nasik, India. After earning her doctoral degree in 2006, she started teaching at the Post Graduate section of the Department of Psychology, Fergusson College, Pune, India. She has recently been appointed as a Ph. D. Guide too. For the last eight years she also coordinates a Diploma Course in Counseling in Fergusson College.
She completed her training in counseling in 2003. Her counseling style is largely person centered. This means that she believes that caring and non-judgmental listening lies at the heart of effective counseling. Her sessions typically last for an hour or sometimes a little more. She not only allows but actively facilitates the honest expression of feelings because and through such catharsis allows the clients to heal. Being trained in Yoga, she makes extensive use of Yogic breathing and relaxation as adjuncts in her counseling sessions.
Besides, she has a passion for research and her articles have been published in national and international journals. She is a life member of the Indian Psychological Association and the Association for Research in Obesity.

Prof Megha Deuskar

Dr Shivakumar S Iyer
Dr Shivakumar S Iyer is Professor & Head, Department of Critical Care Medicine, Bharati Vidyapeeth University Medical College, Pune from 2013 onwards.
His current positions are:
- Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Anaesthesia & Intensive Care, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong (2012 onwards)
- Immediate past President ISCCM (2016-17)
- International Member ESICM (2000 onwards)
- Member, Ethics Section, ESICM
- Member, CoBa – Forum, ESICM
- Member, BASIC Steering Committee (2009 onwards)
- ISCCM Coordinator for BASIC courses in India
- Member End of Life in India Task Force (ELICIT)
He did his MD Medicine from Pune University, DNB Medicine National Board of Examinations and European Diploma in Intensive Care.
He was awarded with FICCM (Indian College of Critical Care Medicine).
He has extensively published, edited and co-edited papers on critical care and other issues. He has organized several conferences, been invited to speak in many national and international conferences.
Dr Stephen Jayard Susainathan is Professor, Faculty of Philosophy, Jnana-Deepa Vidyapeeth, Pune.
He obtained PhD in Philosophy of Science, the Central University, Hyderabad, 2009.
He undertook the Postdoctoral research at Lonergan Research Institute, at Washington D.C., Boston USA; and University of Toronto, Canada, 2011-12
He has Published seven books, including Towards a Theory of Rationality in Science – A Plea for Reasonableness (2012) and A Book that Cannot Be Titled (2015).
He has been awarded in the International Essay Competition, conducted by John Carroll University, USA, 2016.
He has presented papers at the national and international conferences, published several research papers in the national and international journals.
He has been a visiting faculty at Sogang University, Seoul, South Korea and International Institute of Information Technology (IIIT), Hyderabad, a regular visiting faculty at several Institutes of Higher Education in India. He has been conducting sessions on various themes of motivation for the teachers, students and parents, at Schools and Colleges, in India and abroad.

Dr Stephen Jayard Susainathan

Dr Sunita Bandewar
Dr Sunita Bandewar has training in Anthropology and Bioethics. She was with CEHAT – Centre for Enquiry into Health and Allied Themes, Anusandhan Trust for 15 years.
She was awarded an International Fellowship by the International Fogarty Centre, NIH, USA to pursue Masters in Health Sciences (Bioethics) at the Joint Centre for Bioethics, University of Toronto, Canada in 2003-04. Her engagement with health as a field of enquiry over these past 20 years is primarily via empirical research and advocacy in the areas of, broadly speaking, women and health, global health, and bioethics. She was a senior research fellow in bioethics and global health at the University of Toronto on the initiative titled ‘Ethical, Social, Cultural Program in Global Health’, Canada for five years. Through this Program, she had extensive opportunities to work in the African continent and engage with newer ethical challenges in global health. She has published a number of papers in peer reviewed journals. Amongst others, she serves on the International Ethics Review Board, Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF), Geneva; on the Managing Committee, Forum for Medical Ethics Society, Mumbai, the publisher of the IJME; and on the Board of Trustees of Sama Resource Group for Women and Health, New Delhi. Her primary engagement is her association with the Indian Journal of Medical Ethics, Mumbai in the capacity of one of the working editors and is deeply involved in editorial work as well as organizational matters. Currently, she works independently as a senior research professional, a consultant and a trainer in the areas of bioethics, global health, research methodology, program evaluation and policy analysis.