Dr Prachee Sathe
Current Position: Director, Dept of Critical Care Medicine, Ruby Hall, Pune & Consulting Physician
Professional Training and Career: Trained in UK on International Fellowship from the Royal College of Physicians, Edinburg for comprehensive training in critical care medicine Founder Member and ex-vice president of Indian Society of Critical Care medicine Executive member Critical Care Education Foundation and President of College of Critical Care Medicine Recognized teacher for DNB Critical Care Medicine, Diploma in critical care, ISCCM, CCEF.
Dr Prachee was involved in the first organ donation transplant in Pune along with Dr Huprikar.
She received two awards for her book in Marathi, "Jeevan Mrytu chya seeemewaroon", (On the verge of life and death) reaching ICU science to general public.
Dr Pradeep Kulkarni has been working as consultant in anaesthesiology for past 26 years, in Mararhwada region. He did his MD in anaesthesiology in 1985, from Government medical college, Aurangabad. He has worked as an Intensivist at a neuro intensive care hospital.
He is actively engaged in palliative care since 5 years. Dr Pradeep completed fellowship in Palliative Medicine at Indian institute of Palliative Medicine, Calicut. He has worked at Cipla Palliative care and training centre for 4.5 years. He is a national faculty in Palliative Medicine. He has participated in training activities in Palliative Medicine. He is a recognised post graduate teacher in Palliative Medicine at MUHS, Nashik. He has published articles about Palliative Medicine in national and international journals. He is presently working as consultant in Palliative Medicine at Lokmanya Hospital, Pune.

Dr Pradeep Kulkarni

Dr Priyadarshini Kulkarni
Dr Priyadarshini Kulkarni MBBS, DA, BCCPM, APHN Diploma / GCH (Pal C), Australia
Dip Pal Med (Cardiff, UK), DLDI (UCSD, USA)
Current Position: CEO and Medical Director, Simpatico Palliative Connect, LLP
Other Appointments:
- National Secretary - Indian Association of Palliative Care (IAPC)
- Certified Teacher, EPEC India curriculum
- Board member, Worldwide Hospice Palliative Care Alliance
- Board member, Asia Pacific Hospice Palliative Care Network
- Consultant, Palliative Care Medicine, Sahyadri Specialty Hospital, Pune, India
- Consultant Palliative Medicine – Universal cancer conquest, Pune
- Consultant – Snehanchal Palliative Care Centre, Nagpur
Previous Key Accomplishments:
- Medical Director, Cipla Palliative Care and Training Centre
Some of her key Publications include:
- Stress among Care Givers: The Impact of Nursing a Relative with Cancer.
Priyadarshini Kulkarni, Pradeep Kulkarni, Ravindra Ghooi, Madhura Bhatwadekar, Nandini Thatte, and Vrushali Anavkar. Indian J Palliat Care 2014;20(1): 31–39. - Preference of the Place of Death Among People of Pune. Priyadarshini Kulkarni, Pradeep Kulkarni, Vrushali Anavkar, Ravindra Ghooi. Indian J Palliat Care 2014; 20(2): 101–106.
- End-of-life care policy: An integrated care plan for the dying, 2014, Volume: 8 | Issue: 9 | Page: 615-63
Some of her prestigious participations are:
- Position paper writing on Euthanasia by Indian Association of Palliative Care
- Drafting of Maharashtra State Policy for Palliative Care
- Drafting MD Palliative Medicine Curriculum
Adv. Rama Sarode completed her law graduation from ILS Law College and she stood 3rd in merit from the Pune University for LL.B. She then completed her LL.M from Pune University and M.A (Sociology) from SNDT. Recently she once again completed her LL.M specializing in Constitutional Law from Department of Law, University of Pune. She is working as a socio-legal development consultant and trainer. She has 17 years of experience in the socio-legal field.
- She has an experience of working on issues related to women and children, health rights, prisoner's rights, environment, etc. She is the Chairperson of the Ethics Committee of BAIF and member of Institutional Review Committee of B. J. Medical College.
- She is the member of a core group that is working on issues related to End of Life. She has been a panel member on discussions about Euthanasia at International Longetivity Centre, ILS Law College, Bharti Vidyapeeth College.
- She works as a trainer on socio-legal issues in the Government, Corporate and Non Government sector. She is the regular trainer at YASHADA. She is also the member of Local Complaints Committee for Pune District to handle cases related to sexual harassment of women at workplace.
- She also has interface with the community members at the grassroot level to bring about legal literacy awareness on different laws. She has been training students from different faculties from across India and from other Universities like Harvard Law School, London School of Economics, and many other universities from UK, Sweden, Germany, Japan, Mexico and America. She tries to bring in the socio-legal perspective with these students to instill a sense of responsibility of giving back to the society.
- She is also working a guest faculty with various education institutes and colleges.
- She is the recipient of award from Maharashtra State Gandhi Forum in 2013 and Sarathi Award and Sundersji Institute's Achiever's Award in 2014 recognizing her work in the field of human rights.

Adv Rama Sarode
Dr Sheela Godbole
Scientist E (Deputy Director),
National AIDS Research Institute-ICMR, Pune
Dr Sheela Godbole's MD in Sexually Transmitted Diseases and Dermatology (B. J. Medical College Pune 1992) and her ten year experience as an independent Consultant Physician caring for persons with HIV and STI in the pre-ART era in India; drew her to her current interests in HIV research.
She is a clinical-epidemiologist and heads the Division of Epidemiology and Biostatistics at National AIDS Research Institute (NARI) Pune of the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) under the Department of Health Research MoHFW, GOI. She also leads a clinic at NARI care for HIV infected and at-risk.
She has been involved solely in HIV related research since 2000. Her research work spans her core interests which include HIV epidemiology including surveillance, impact evaluation, antiretroviral treatment for HIV prevention, HIV and Cancer, STI/RTI and women's health and has led many domestically funded research studies in these areas.
In addition to research, she provides support to India's National AIDS Control Programme by participation in various technical and evaluation committees. Her involvement in HIV Sentinel Surveillance in Western India, helped bring in qualitative improvement in surveillance methodology that was adopted nationally. She has many publications to her credit in national and international journals including the New England Journal of Medicine and Lancet Infectious Diseases.
Dr Shivakumar S Iyer is Professor & Head, Department of Critical Care Medicine, Bharati Vidyapeeth University Medical College, Pune from 2013 onwards. His current positions are:
- Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Anaesthesia & Intensive Care, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong (2012 onwards)
- Immediate past President ISCCM (2016-17)
- International Member ESICM (2000 onwards)
- Member, Ethics Section, ESICM
- Member, CoBa – Forum, ESICM
- Member, BASIC Steering Committee (2009 onwards)
- ISCCM Coordinator for BASIC courses in India
- Member End of Life in India Task Force (ELICIT)
He did his MD Medicine from Pune University, DNB Medicine National Board of Examinations and European Diploma in Intensive Care.
He was awarded with FICCM (Indian College of Critical Care Medicine).
He has extensively published, edited and co-edited papers on critical care and other issues. He has organized several conferences, been invited to speak in many national and international conferences.

Shivakumar S Iyer
Consultant Rheumatologist
- Deenanath Mangeshkar Hospital, Pune since 2007.
- Center for Rheumatic Diseases, Pune since 2003.
- Panel Consultant Rheumatologist in Sahyadri Hospital, Pune since 2006
- Private Clinic, Tilak Road, Pune.
She is a visiting faculty to Bharati Vidyapeeth Hospital for students pursuing fellowship in Rheumatology.
- Has published many articles and research work in various international and national journals, notable being Epidemiological work in Narayan Peth area of Pune which has been accepted in prestigious international journal named "Journal of Rheumatology".
- Has also conducted multinational drug trials as principal investigator and co-investigator.
- Research associate for NMITLI, Govt of India (2003 – 2005)
Has also been a part of social service to the society in the form of various camps and free services and patient education literature in magazines, talks on Radio (Akaashvani) and patient education programmes on Lupus disease every year.