Category: COMMENTS
When doctors participate in torture
Torture is one of the most heinous crimes a human being can commit against another. It is not confined to the so-called 'rogue' states but is also practised in states that are deemed to be democratic. According to Amnesty International, torture is practised in more than half of the world's countr...
The cloning controversy
Stem cell research has captured the imagination of many, including the scientific and medical community. But the medical community received a rude wake-up call early this year when a well-known researcher publicly confessed to deception. While the core question relates to honesty and integrity, i...
The real crisis in medical education
In the light of the agitation against reservations for other backward castes in medical colleges we must ask some questions. How does India plan for its medical personnel? Is caste only a phantom from the past? And what is merit?
Interventions in reproduction
Assisted reproductive technology has helped many childless couples. It has also raised questions about how appropriate the technology might be in different situations. How we understand parenthood is crucial in taking a stand on such scientific intervention. It is suggested that physicians should...
The dawn of the Shudra
The familiar yet ever-surreal shades of green alight as the early morning fog laggardly burns away. I am travelling by train through the rice-growing delta of southeast India, my ancestral home, watching the dawn. A line of women dressed in brightly coloured saris is already at work, rhythmically...
The controversy of drug-eluting cardiac stents
On September 19, 2005, the Bombay High Court asked the Central government to fix standards for drug-eluting cardiac stents. Till standards are developed, only four companies, with either US or European certification, are allowed to sell stents in Maharashtra.
Patient information and medication labelling: an area of…
In this era of consumer awareness, the field of health care is still an area of concern. This is especially so when it comes to the quality and extent of information given by the pharmaceutical industry to both health professionals and patients. This article highlights certain ethical considerati...
General Agreement on Trade in Services and the…
Until the World Trade Organization emerged in 1995, there was no multilateral agreement on services. Negotiations at the WTO led to the General Agreement on Trade in Services, a comprehensive agreement on the international trade in services. GATS explicitly provides for successive rounds of negot...
Emerging issues in medical imaging
Physicians are often faced with the dilemma of trying to do what is best for the patient, sometimes deciding to use a technological innovation. The profession has drawn up guidelines for common methods in imaging. These include informed consent, intravenous use of contrast media, ten-day rule, in...
Day-to-day decision making as a physician in India
Moral perceptions and judgments are based on a society's values. Professional ethics generally complement social codes and reinforce moral perceptions. In the area of health care, the doctor-patient relationship is inherently unequal, placing added responsibilities on those providing care. In cou...
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