Category: COMMENTS
Should there be mandatory testing for HIV prior…
The National AIDS Prevention and Control Policy of the government of India states that testing for HIV infection should be voluntary in nature. But from time to time various state governments and the central government have announced their intent of introducing mandatory premarital testing. Thoug...
Mental health services: indigenous models of care in…
Measures of mental health services, including rehabilitation initiatives, have been pronounced to be inadequate the world over. Indicators such as mental health policy or legislation, financing of mental health care, availability of community mental health services, mental hospital beds, general ...
Comment on “Trade secrets from a sperm bank…
Jyotsna Agnihotri Gupta’s interview of Dr X who runs a sperm bank  is rather old (December 2001), but her questions remain pertinent today. The doctor’s honest responses allow us to peek behind the curtains of a sperm bank and learn of the possibilities for unethical practice. They also allow us ...
Stem cell transplantation in India: tall claims, questionable…
Understandably, medical professionals and patients, the world over, are agog to see the effects of stem cell transplantation in the treatment of diseases where current remedies have failed.
Medical ethics education in India
Medicine is one of the few professions that sets a code of behaviour for its practitioners. In the past the relationship between the doctor and patient was paternalistic. Today this has changed. Advancement of medical science and technology has made a tremendous impact on medical practice. Rising...
Black money in white coats: whither medical ethics?
There has been a sea change in the ethos of medicine in India in recent decades. Academic dishonesty of an alarming nature has been reported in medical colleges. Moral degeneration and corruption have engulfed the establishment at the highest level. The head of the Medical Council of India was fo...
Ethics committees and clinical trials registration in India:…
Registering clinical trials is considered an ethical and moral imperative. The launch of the Clinical Trials Registry-India provides opportunities to all in India to fulfil this imperative. The CTRI requires prospective registration, disclosure of all 20 items in the WHO Trial Registration Data S...
Provider-initiated testing and counselling in India for HIV
In India, healthcare providers initiate counselling and testing, diagnosis and treatment. They determine where you get tested, the shop you buy medicines from, which drugs you buy and which brands of these drugs. This is the background of the current debate on provider-initiated testing. Accordin...
Concerns about cosmetic surgery
This article looks at some ethical challenges in cosmetic surgery. Enhancement versus therapy, risks, patient autonomy, beneficence and informed consent are issues that need to be considered when considering cosmetic surgery in today's world.
Public-private partnerships for providing healthcare services
The public-private partnership is an initiative to improve efficiency, effectiveness and equity in the provision of healthcare services. This essay comments on the lessons that should be learned from some examples of such partnerships in various Indian states.
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