Category: COMMENTS
Healthcare reform in the USA, 2010: the rocky…
Historic legislation for healthcare reform in the United States was enacted in March 2010. Reforms in medical practice, payment for services, and access to care and insurance will be introduced by complex processes over time through 2019. The overriding goals of healthcare reform are cost contain...
Public health, preparedness and the World Health Organization…
From March 1918 to June 1920, an influenza pandemic swept the world, spreading among the Inuit tribes in the Arctic and to remote Pacific Islanders, killing over 10 million people in the Indian subcontinent. It is estimated that about one in three people was infected and that between 50 and 100 m...
National Rural Health Mission: a failing mission
While India today is in the forefront of healthcare, and we often hear of health tourism being a great revenue generator, the vast majority of Indians, especially in the rural areas, today lack even the basic health amenities.
Boundary violations and the “curtain of culture”
"The life of the patient and the soul of the physician are always at risk" Rabbi Samuel Edels, 14th century Talmudic scholar Kurpad et al must be commended for raising an issue that is largely neglected in healthcare settings in developing countries. While boundary violation (BV) is an important ...
Combating plagiarism: a shared responsibility
Scientific progress depends on the free dissemination of original thinking and research. With the evidence base formed by publication, investigators develop and implement additional studies, and policy makers propose new laws and regulations. The ramifications of this evidence can affect millions...
Tackling disinterest towards blood donation: need for urgent…
The shortage of voluntary blood donors is a problem in many countries including India. Myths regarding the ill effects of blood donation are common and many precious lives are lost for lack of replacement donations. Urgent measures are warranted to eliminate myths in the community regarding blood...
Strengthening blood ties
The scenario discussed in "Tackling disinterest towards blood donation" is not an uncommon one. What is disturbing is that irrespective of the progress in the field of transfusion medicine, the problem faced by this resident mirrors what I faced in my residency in Mumbai, two decades ago. Fifteen...
The contours of clinical research in India
The Clinical Trials Registry-India (CTR-I), set up by the Indian Council of Medical Research's National Institute of Medical Statistics, is a freely available and searchable primary register. Anybody wishing to conduct a clinical trial in India must declare 20 items of registration data set as re...
Are we ready for non-heart-beating organ donation in…
With the success of organ transplantation as an effective modality of treating end stage disease of various organs, increasing numbers of organ transplants are being performed all over the world. However, this procedure requires a "donor" pool of either "living" or "cadaveric" donors. Since this ...
Medical negligence: need for balanced approach
A well researched and authoritative judgment of the Supreme Court delivered on February 10, 2010 attempted to circumscribe the scope of criminal liability for negligence by doctors and hospitals. The law of professional negligence, especially in the case of doctors, has been formulated in such a ...
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