Category: COMMENTS
GRADE the evidence before using the results in…

Reports of clinical trials that do not describe the methods used to minimise the risk of bias, and reports that do not present results in a comprehensible and accurate manner, are unethical as they could lead to misleading conclusions, adverse health outcomes, and the inappropriate use of heal...

Health systems research and the Gadchiroli debate: a…

We were pleased to read, in the January-March 2010 issue of this journal, Abhay Bang’s response to criticism of the Gadchiroli trial on ethical grounds.While it is not within the ambit of this article to comment on the Gadchiroli trial principal investigator’s clarifications, we would like to ...

Health insurance in India: the need to come…
Life used to be simple for doctors and patients. You got sick, went to the doctor, got treated, paid the doctor and went home. The doctor was satisfied that the patient had been taken care of and he made a living in the process. Then technology happened. Patients got richer, travelled more and we...
The National Bioethics Conference: looking back and looking…

Starting on November 17, 2010, the Indian Journal of Medical Ethics Third National Bioethics Conference (NBC) will hold a four-day programme of discussions, debates and learning on governance in health care.

The Indian Medical Association and the Clinical Establishment…
The Clinical Establishment Act was passed by the Lok Sabha in May this year and then by the Rajya Sabha on August 3, 2010. The Bill was to be passed in 2007; it lapsed and was reintroduced this year. Some important aspects of the implications of this Bill have been covered by an editorial in this...
The Clinical Establishment Act, 2010: laws must be…
In the great tradition of the biggest democratic country of the world, the Clinical Establishments (Registration and Regulation) Bill, 2010, was passed by our parliament without any debate, by a voice vote. This was not surprising since health and related issues are the most neglected issue...
Comment on The Mental Health Act 1987: Quo…
Pratima Murthy has given an accurate summary of discussions, over the past several decades, in the field of mental health legislation and public policy. As she indicates, until recently, the mental health sector was marked by lethargy and lack of commitment. Following the initi...
Amendments to the Mental Health Act, 1987: key…
In a well written article, Pratima Murthy describes the current controversy surrounding mental health legislation in India. This controversy is a result of societal perception of what constitutes mental illness. These perceptions have changed over time, as society has grappled ...
Making can-do into must-do; the way forward to…
The Commission on Social Determinants of Health headed by Prof Sir Michael Marmot set an ambitious agenda to close the health gap between the rich and the poor in a generation. Constituted by the World Health Organization in 2005, the Commission submitted its report in 2008 and...
The Health Impact Fund: a potential solution to…
Global health inequities persist despite significant increases in funding and a growing number of global health initiatives. Especially vulnerable to disease, the poor majority of the world's population currently cannot afford advanced medicines, and the diseases confined to the poor receiv...
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