Category: Reviews
Too much energy
The energy glut is a gripping story of energy and the inescapable link between fatness among people, road danger, and an over-heating world, with cheap petroleum linking them. "Worldwide, over a billion people are overweight, and people in many countries are getting fatter. The threat of global w...
Health, debt and death
A plethora of criticisms are frequently made of the commercialisation of healthcare and how it delivers people into debt due to high costs. A future where the healthcare industry is entirely commercialised is a dreaded situation. Repo Men is a movie themed to a similar future and is based on the ...
Book review: Back to the future
We have been on the “threshold of transition” in our health status and healthcare system – for the past 64 years. The infant mortality rate has been reduced substantially. However, the declining sex ratio points to the widespread practice of sex selective abortion. There has been no change in the...
Film review: Medical students as guinea pigs
Developing countries like India and Sri Lanka are trying to tackle the problem of "ragging", the practice, in educational institutions, of senior students bullying new students. The problem is more noticeable in medical colleges in India where it has assumed serious dimensions with psychological,...
Plan for ethics teaching

This guide is the culmination of regional consultations on teaching medical ethics in the WHO South-East Asia Region (WHO SEARO) consisting of Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Myanmar, Nepal and Sri Lanka. A review conducted by WHO in 2008 concluded that the subject is in a state of infancy in th...

Cursed goddess

Even in the twenty-first century, some pockets of India are in the grip of superstition; this is particularly true for oppressed vulnerable sections of society. Though the Devdasi system has been banned, it persists in several regions of South India.

More questions than answers
The past two decades have seen the emergence of third world countries as important sites for drug trials and related clinical research sponsored by the pharmaceutical industry. As the authors of the report under review have noted, “fast recruitment of trial participants, presence of a broad spect...
Human building blocks of research
The immortal life of Henrietta Lacks is non-fiction of a rare quality in creative writing. The author, a science journalist, weaves a multilayered narration about medicine, medical research, faith, racism, poverty, and ethics with a skill that renders to her composition an "immortal quality"
Talking reflections

When Anusha Rizvi, a journalist who had no previous experience of movie making, came out with a movie on farmer suicides in Indian villages, the first reaction among many was surprise. It is not the sort of story one usually takes up for a career change. Neither is it part of the mainstream ap...

Book Review : Dr Spin Doctor
For about two decades now, the pharmaceutical industry -particularly its marketing and sales arms - has been receiving a lot of flak. The bad publicity has come from all sides - articles in learned medical journals, in general newspapers and magazines, in movies and from whistleblowers in the ind...
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