Category: Research Articles
The Hippocratic Oath
I swear by Apollo the physician, by Asclepius, by Health, by Panacea and by all the gods and goddesses, making them my witnesses, that I will carry out, according to my ability and Judgment, this oath and this indenture; to hold my teacher in this art equal to my own parents: to make him pa...
Problems in the health care system -a brief…
I saw a friend of mine, a consultant, earning a hundred rupees from a patient. He placed sixty rupees into the ever willing hands of the local general practitioner (G. P.) who had brought the patient to him with a diagnosis of 'chronic appendicitis'. The G. P. instructed my friend to get a ...
Talking with patients.
The title of this book by Professor James Calnan, Emeritus Professor of Plastic Surgery at the Royal Postgraduate Medical School, Hammersmith is, in itself, thought-provoking. Talking with - and not to - patients is what we should really be doing, listening to what they say (or wish to say ...
Two major riots in Bombay
Communal riots shook Bombay in two phases, first during December, 1992 (in the aftermath of the demolition of Babari Masjid), and then in January 1993. As a surgeon working in a public hospital which absorbed a large number of casualties during the riots, I could observe distinct difference...
ICCU Death Traps
Bombay's mushrooming ICCUs (intensive cardiac care units) are 'death traps' for unsuspecting, critically ill patients... ICCUs are misnomers at best. They form an unchecked, unregulated, unlicensed, unauthorised and inadequately staffed medical industry that is a farce.
The patient with AIDS
In the first issue of our newsletter we had referred to the ethical aspects involved in the diagnosis and management of patients with Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS). We alluded to the insistence in some hospitals on subjecting every patient to tests for the presence of Human Immune-de...
Public audit of hospitals – a crying need
All our hospitals - in the public and private sector - share a common characteristic. They function in secrecy. It is extremely difficult, if not impossible, to extract any information from the authorities in charge. When the information requested pertains to complications suffered by one or more...
A patient’s right to know
A relationship between a doctor and a patient is based on the principle that the patient must have autonomy in making decisions. Such autonomy has been necessitated by two factors that override the obvious expertise of the doctor. First, the decisions to be made concern the health and life of the...
Removing the uterus from mentally handicapped women :…
The Indian Express (5 February 1994) featured a story on proposed surgery on mentally handicapped women that weekend at the Sassoon General Hospital in Poona . Dr. Shirish Sheth, consultant obstetrician and gynecologist in Bombay was to remove the uterus from each of several such women.
Compensation by State: Eliminating Legislation Against Doctors
Patients sue their doctors principally to gain sums of money as compensation for damage done to than. The victims of such litigation suffer considerably when they are innocent. One consequence of this sorry state of affairs has been the practice of 'defensive medicine', which, in turn, impo...
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