Category: Research Articles
October 01, 1995
In a socio-cultural set-up which promotes son-preference and discrimination against daughters, sex-determination (SD) - both at pre-conception and ante-natal stage can have only one meaning i. e. female-extermination. Ruth Macklin's article 'The ethics of sex determination' (Medical Ethics ...
Vibhuti Patel
October 01, 1995
There is no denying that much is wrong with our public hospitals. Recent economic policies promoting privatisation have brought into sharp focus all public sector units including public hospitals. Experts and the general public perceive public hospitals as inefficient, dirty, unhygienic and...
Ratna Magotra
October 01, 1995
The most important feature was the universal health care cover for all citizens. The economic status of a patient was never a consideration in determining the choice of therapy. With ever-increasing costs of hightech medical care, this seemed, at times, a non-sustainable situation. The cost...
Yash Lokhandwala
July 01, 1995
The golden age of medicine for the individual medical man was the last century. There were few effective drugs available and all the doctor could do was to 'cure sometimes, to relieve often, to comfort always.' No one expected a doctor to prolong life, and the profession had little responsibility...
M K Mani
July 01, 1995
On February 14, 1995, the Medical Service Centre of Karnataka State, organised a convention in Bangalore to discuss the problems arising from renal transplantation. The following excerpts have been taken from the resolution passed at the close of the meeting
K. S. Gangadhar
July 01, 1995
Not many in the medical fraternity have been surprised by the exposure of the sale of kidneys in Bangalore. A more worrying aspect is that several are not shocked. They argue that taking kidneys from a donor unrelated to the recipient is not, per se, unethical. It is only the commercialism that i...
Thomas George
July 01, 1995
This is the first in a more or less regular series of essays to appear in Medical Ethics. The series will attempt to provide a critical and relevant analysis of Western medicine not available in current journals. The issues to be discussed are described briefly below. They concern both the Third ...
Eugene D. Robin, Robert F. McCauley
July 01, 1995
Psychiatry entails ethical dilemmas in defining normal and abnormal, diagnosis and treatment, individual freedom, con? dentiality, competency, commitment and other complex issues.
T. S. Satvanaravana Rao
July 01, 1995
Any conduct of the doctor which is reasonably regarded as disgraceful or dishonorable by professional men of good repute and competence.
Shashidhar C. Mestri, Narsimha Mutthy
January 01, 1995
Prof. Upendra Baxi, a well known expert on law and a former vice chancellor of Delhi and South Gujarat universities, in his comments on Women's Studies in the ICSSR Newsletter seven years back, made some incisive and disturbing comments on the coverage of violence in social science discourses in ...
Amar Jesani