Category: Letters
Globalising artificial intelligence for improved clinical practice
Artificial intelligence (AI) technologies are facilitating the work of modern healthcare organisations to leverage the power of big data in clinical practice. In most cases, AI-based systems improve clinical decision-making using multiple layers of information and pre-specified algorithms. In add...
Response to “Casteism in a medical college: A…
I was a student of the Government Medical College (GMC), Nagpur, from 1970 to1975. Based on my own experiences, I agree completely with Anurag Bhargava’s comments regarding casteism at GMC Nagpur (1). Caste stigma gets attached to you early in life and stays with you till you reach the grave. I a...
Not a case for social triage
I request the author of the letter “Institutions should take responsibility for student suicides” to refrain from passing unwarranted judgement on a matter that is still before the courts. It is premature to implicate the medical education system and its institutions for a possible role in the un...
Institutions should take responsibility for student suicides
I was greatly saddened to hear the news of a young resident, Dr Payal Tadvi, committing suicide at the BYL Nair Hospital and Topiwala Medical College in Mumbai. However, it is heartening to see that some fellow students, her family and the Tadvi Bhil community have made this issue public and are ...
Baby talcum powder: Safety and accountability concerns
There is nothing unethical about a business house making profit. It is their dharma. But their products should always be beneficial to end users and certainly not cause them harm. It is important to follow the principles of beneficence and nonmaleficence, particularly in the pharmaceutical and a...
Response of the authors to the Letter “Concerns…
Response of the authors to the Letter “Concerns with regard to an article” published online on April 5, 2019 (DOI: 10.20529/IJME.2019.014) on the IJME website.
Concerns with regard to an article
We have read with interest and concern the article titled “Consultations on human infection studies in India: Do people’s voices really count” by Sandhya Srinivasan and Veena Johari. The article expresses the opinions of 2 persons who have not visited CMC, nor have spoken to anyone concerned, to ...
National Medical Commission Bill: Opportunity to end educational…
The Government has superseded the Medical Council of India (MCI) with an interim board of governors that has assumed the powers and functions of the Council, pending passage of the National Medical Commission Bill. While a systemic revamp of medical education is intended, uncertainty prevails on ...
Cochrane and the new McCarthyism
Srivatsan's powerful commentary in this journal is an important reminder that we live in an era of new McCarthyism1. The issue of the sacking of Peter Gøtzche from Cochrane is complex and has two linked aspects. The first is the fact of his dismissal and the second is our work on Human...
Editors and teachers with standards: a dying breed
I read with interest the absorbing review of Jerome P. Kassirer's memoirs by Sanjay Pai. The review brings out the essence of the man and his memoirs very well and enhances the respect and the admiration for the legendary editor. Peer reviewed print journals still remain the gold standard of diss...
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