Category: Letters
Age-based discrimination in Covid-19 patient care
Although all age groups are at risk of contracting Covid-19 disease, older people are facing the highest risk due to ageing and underlying health conditions. According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report, 8 out of 10 deaths reported in the US have been of adults 65 years o...
Ethics for laboratory professionals during the Covid pandemic
It is not wrong to say that ethical issues have been given limited attention by professionals in laboratory medicine as compared to other fields of medicine (1). The most ethically problematic laboratory examinations are those dealing with genetic testing, autopsies, prenatal and HIV examinations...
Ethics committee meeting by video-conferencing during Covid-19
The Covid-19 pandemic has created a situation demanding rapid ethical review of research on various aspects of the pandemic, while maintaining social distancing norms. Research during an outbreak is important for understanding the disease and its management and allows scientists to study the dise...
Break the stereotype of the nursing profession
The advent of modern nursing in colonial India was in the middle of the 19th century (1). This was linked with the arrival of nurses from the west, generally women with a deep rooted Christian cultural heritage, with most being religious nuns or Christian converts
The Robin Hood dilemma: Is it ethical to…
The website Sci-Hub ( (1) offers access to medical and scientific research papers from all over the world to anyone ─ for free. So, what's the catch? There isn't one, except for the fact that this is an initiative by an enterprising hacker, Alexandra Asanovna Elbakyan, a Kazakh...
Dealing with Covid -19: Lessons from China
Gopichandran and Subramaniam in their editorial in IJME have appreciated the intensive Chinese efforts to contain the Covid-19 outbreak and wondered if other “weak” and developing health systems will be able to do the same
Ethics in the Covid-19 emergency: Examining rationing decisions
Early last month, the Italian Society of Anaesthesia was forced to publish the above guideline (1) for the country’s hospitals. Besides the rising cases of infection, the doctors realised that patients required up to 15-20 days of intensive care as the disease progressed (2). In the face of medic...
The Covid-19 panic and the global North-South divide…
J Krishnamurti, a renowned philosopher, describes fear as the transition from the convictions of the Known to the flux of the Unknown1. The weakening of the interspecies transmission barrier between the animal and human interface has strengthened this fear. Consequently, our impulsive selves have...
Ethics of electronic tagging of dementia patients
Dementia is one of the most common neuropsychiatric disorders seen in old age with accompanying memory loss, aggressive behaviour, sleep problems and wandering behaviour with confusion. Many patients with dementia may be all alone at home with a domestic help and no family caregiver for most of t...
Paradise under siege: Healthcare elusive under Kashmir lockdown
The famous poet, Amir Khusro, said of Kashmir: “If there is heaven on earth, it is here, it is here, it is here”. That heaven and crown of India has been under siege now for over four months.
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