Category: Letters
Urgent need to tackle Covid-19 impact on academic…
The government of India imposed a strict nationwide lockdown on March 24, 2020, to arrest the spread of Covid-19 (1). Abiding by the government regulations, several educational institutions including those in healthcare, postponed or cancelled several academic activities to curb the spread of the...
The Covid-19 uncertainty and ethical dilemmas in dental…
The Covid-19 pandemic has affected dental practice globally. Proximity with patients and predominance of aerosol-generating procedures has raised concerns regarding the safety of dentists and patients alike. The near-total, yet inevitable, suspension of dental practice has raised several ethical ...
Angry email to Reviewer #2
Thank you for submitting your review comments on my diligently drafted manuscript. I appreciate the opportunity to evaluate your review but unfortunately (highlighted so you get the gist of this email and don’t jump for joy prematurely), your reviews seem to lack the optimism I was looking for. <...
Is publication ethics becoming a casualty of Covid-19?
Public health emergencies require real-time, accurate information to guide effective and timely responses. This calls for rapid and timely publication of information to promote both its scientific validity and societal value. On the other hand, rapid publication poses a potential threat to the in...
Joint study led by International Food Policy Research…
The findings of a collaborative study in Uttar Pradesh, India, by the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), Family Health International (FHI) and Johns Hopkins (JH), and funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF), have been tweeted out from the IFPRI Twitter handle (Se...
Police vs doctors: Harassment of Covid “heroes”, by…
Violence against medical professionals and destruction of hospital property by frustrated patients and their relatives occur frequently in India (1) and in other countries (2, 3). However, harassment of healthcare workers by the police has, so far, not been an issue in the Indian healthcare syste...
Knowledge and attitudes regarding medical ethics among junior…
Training in medical ethics has been made mandatory in the undergraduate curriculum (1). The Medical Council of India (MCI) in 2002 released its revised Code of Ethics, a regulatory document on professional conduct, etiquette, and ethics of doctors (2).

Keywords: Medical ethics, knowled...
Age-based discrimination in Covid-19 patient care
Although all age groups are at risk of contracting Covid-19 disease, older people are facing the highest risk due to ageing and underlying health conditions. According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report, 8 out of 10 deaths reported in the US have been of adults 65 years o...
Ethics for laboratory professionals during the Covid pandemic
It is not wrong to say that ethical issues have been given limited attention by professionals in laboratory medicine as compared to other fields of medicine (1). The most ethically problematic laboratory examinations are those dealing with genetic testing, autopsies, prenatal and HIV examinations...
Ethics committee meeting by video-conferencing during Covid-19
The Covid-19 pandemic has created a situation demanding rapid ethical review of research on various aspects of the pandemic, while maintaining social distancing norms. Research during an outbreak is important for understanding the disease and its management and allows scientists to study the dise...
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