May 01, 2000
Thank you for sending me the first two numbers of Medical Ethics. Please accept our congratulations and the hope that it will flourish as it should. It comes at a time when ethics in all walks of life and certainly the practice of medicine could do with a much needed reappraisal. If there is any ...
Eustace J de Souza
May 01, 1994
Medical Ethics is particularly timely as both the political and intellectual leadership as well as the profession are taking more and more liberties with medical ethics.
Debabar Banerji
May 01, 1994
Medical Ethics is enlightening and educative. I certainly wish to read more of it. 'Caraka's Oath of Initiation' really calls for a doctor of Oliver Sacks' sensitivity!
Asha Dutia
November 01, 1993
We welcome contributions to this newsletter on any aspect of medical ethics.
Editorial Team
November 01, 2000
Thank you for the newsletter Medical Ethics. It is a sad state of affairs when the practice of medicine demands the necessity of such a newsletter or journal as in other countries.
Samuel J Aptekar
November 01, 2000
There is an outcry against the commercialisation, rampant profiteering and exploitation in hospitals by doctors and others in the medical profession under the weight of which it has become almost impossible for the poor, middle class and the white collar fraternity in the country in general...
S C Banerji