Category: Letters
Medical humanities: addition to academic burden
I read with interest the articles in the latest issue of IJME. Most seem to advocate that teaching humanities to medical students would make them more humane and concerned doctors and would develop empathy towards their patients in their future careers as practising doctors.
Ethics of pandemic planning in India
Devnani et al discuss various ethical dimensions of the public health measures to be taken when planning for an influenza pandemic. In a developing country like India which is diverse, multicultural, over populated and undergoing rapid but unequal growth, ethical pandemic planning must address ex...
Problems of isolated private hospitals in a rural…
In the era of the Consumer Protection Act, doctors running small private hospitals in rural settings face unique ethical challenges, especially in acute medical emergencies. I would like to share a few such cases
Privatisation of healthcare and the Left

The editorial by Dr Sanjay Nagral on the AMRI fire  does not, amongst other things, point out the complicity of politics (in this case of the CPI(M) party and the Left Front government) with the private sector (in this case, the private health sector). It also does not point out the neglect of...

Proactive role for ethics committees

The study conducted by Shetty et al on the experiences of an ethics committee (EC) in developing an oversight mechanism is indeed an eye opener . The study has identified some crucial areas where good clinical practice (GCP) guidelines have been violated at investigator sites. These would prob...

Analysis of physicians’ strikes and their impact
Resident doctors often resort to strikes for reasons concerning safety at the workplace, better working conditions, better remuneration, and policy issues such as caste-based reservations and appointments to institute positions . Although many articles have discussed whether or not physicians sho...
Public health in India: unethical neglect
In most developed nations, public health systems play a crucial role in maintaining the health status of the populace. While the private sector focuses on curative medicine and is oriented to the individual, the government is responsible for public health services, which are concerned with preven...
Human embryonic stem cells: cells without end?
Recently, human embryonic stem cells (HESC) have been in the public discourse for a number of reasons. Prominent critiques have been about the ethical issues related to killing human embryos, adverse reactions, immune-rejections, malignancy, phenotypic/genetic anomalies in transplanted cells and ...
Ethics of bedside clinics

Teaching at the bedside is a time-tested and traditional method of instilling the basics of medical practice in students. In fact every medical student looks forward to "clinics at the bedside." The students see clinical signs, hear murmurs and palpate organs with excitement and enthusiasm. Th...

Are doctors soft targets for government?
Every medical graduate is aware of the fact that getting a post-graduate seat in a good medical college in India is not child's play. The numbers of post-graduate seats, especially in medical colleges run by state governments, are dwindling every year. One has to spend a good 10 years up to post-...
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