Category: Editorials
Ebola virus disease outbreak: incorporating ethical analysis into…
The current outbreak of Ebola in western Africa has been unprecedented for various reasons, mostly because of its magnitude, its expansion across the borders of several countries of the region, and its propagation in capital cities. The outbreak initially involved no more than a few hundred peopl...
Integrity in medical practice
Among the many moral terms that are in common use in public discourse, "integrity" not only occurs more frequently but also seems to have less ambiguity than generic terms such as"good", "bad" and"ethical". The notion of integrity captures a particular state of being and the word is used to chara...
Professional codes, dual loyalties and the spotlight on…
The ugly but well known and hitherto cheerfully accepted phenomenon of corruption in the health system has once again come to haunt the healthcare professions in India. It is no accident of history that the birth of The Indian Journal of Medical Ethics was intimately connected to the b...
Towards deceased organ donation in Asia: negotiating the…
In the developed world, deceased donation is now a well-established source of organs for the unfortunate sufferers of end-stage disease of vital organs. As the science of transplantation grows and the success of transplantation improves, the rest of the world is keen to offer this life-saving pro...
The Medical Council of India: need for a…
The Medical Council of India (MCI) is modelled on the General Medical Council of the United Kingdom. The latter agency is intended to subserve crucial functions
The Prevention of Parent-to-child Transmission Programme: Is it…
In February 2014, the Government of India launched a multi-antiretroviral drug regimen to treat infected women and infants in efforts to reduce parent-to-child transmission (PTCT) of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). The announcement has been long awaited because the multidrug regimen can r...
The new 2013 seventh version of the Declaration…

The eagerly awaited seventh version of the Declaration of Helsinki (DoH) was released by the World Medical Assembly (WMA) on October 19, 2013 at the 64th General Assembly . It has been 13 years since the most debated version of the DoH, the fifth one, was released in 2000, followed by two rela...

On criminalisation and pathology: a commentary on the…

The judgment delivered last week by the Supreme Court of India, upholding the constitutionality of Section 377 of the Indian Penal Code (IPC), overturns a judgment by the Delhi High Court in 2009 that decriminalised sexual activity between two consenting adults. This judgment has unleashed a v...

Medical journals – in the news and for…

2013 has been a landmark year, in fact, a bad year for biomedical journals. Medical journals and their editors have been respected for long, as they are the harbingers of change and of progress in scientific thought. Science expects transparency from the agents through which scientists publish...

The Medical Council of India – change necessary,…
The Government of India superseded the Medical Council of India (MCI) with effect from May 15, 2010 by an amendment to the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956. The supersession followed reports of financial irregularities and corruption in the Council. A board of governors was put in place. By two f...
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