Little that this crown brought was gold
It fascinated me that several so-called nursery rhymes actually contained in a few simple sentences the essence of major historical events that occurred in medieval Europe. We are in the midst of a very historic event by way of the Covid-19 pandemic, and I was keen to capture it in a few sentenc...
Pandemic haiku
As a small spiritual practice, I write one haiku every day. I don’t try to imitate classical Japanese haiku, with 17 syllables, a word that divides the poem, and a word that indicates the season. But I do use this practice to cultivate a Zen spirit: mindfulness of the moment, responsiveness to ...
Once they went out to play
Once they went out to play
but now we’ve stolen their spring
Healing Touch
The morning light trickles in ray by ray
From deep slumber I see the wake of day
My mind swirls and whirls and seems to sway
And quietly reveals where I stay!
Forbidden Fruit
With sparkling eyes, he said, "Mama, tell me a story!
A new one this time – with kingdoms, battles and glory...
The mother, just twenty years old, smiled weakly at her five-year-old son
Closed her eyes, and with a hint of melancholy began.
Holding your hand
Think of the old days, Oh Grandpa!
Blissful and brimful of laughter and smiles.
As I toddled down the path of life,
You showed me the way for so many miles.
I am only a student of medicine
I am only a student of medicine
Cannot prescribe the pills that may cure Mr G,
Just wheeled into the emergency,
A sixty something, 'altered mentally'.
A rabid encounter
"Doctor, please come immediately!" The voice of the nurse summoning him to the Anti-Rabies Clinic (ARC) indicated urgency, fear and exasperation. As he rushed to the ARC, Dr James felt an escalating sense of foreboding. The distress call from the usually calm and competent nurse in-charge of the ...
The Silent Teachers
The day I entered medical school,
Memories I so much cherish;
With dreams and expectations which,
I doubted, would ever perish...
Of moulds and medals
The white and fluffy mycelial growth that I had observed 48 hours ago had turned a mottled grey. I inverted the plate of Sabouraud's dextrose agar (SDA) to examine its reverse. A sinister ochre stared at me.
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