Category: COMMENTS
Professional misconduct or criminal negligence: when does the…
On September 13, 2013, the Supreme Court absolved Dr Praful Desai, an oncologist, of conviction on the charge of criminal medical negligence in the treatment of one of his patients. This article examines the judgment of the Supreme Court in the light of medical negligence and criminal jurisprudence.
Protection is not just about preventing disease: vaccine…
Vaccines are intended to prevent disease. In 1798, Jenner used the principle of an animal virus that caused a localised lesion but afforded protection against severe disease. This started the practice of "vaccination". The idea of preventing disease and avoiding unnecessary suffering is att...
The H1N1 influenza pandemic: need for solutions to…
The rapid spread of the novel influenza virus of H1N1 swine origin led to widespread fear, panic and unrest among the public and healthcare personnel. The pandemic not only tested the world's health preparedness, but also brought up new ethical issues which need to be addressed as soon as possibl...
Medical regulation in India: an outsider’s perspective
This personal comment briefly describes the working of the General Medical Council, the medical regulator in the United Kingdom (UK), with the aim of informing the discussion on how to regulate medical education and doctors' practice in India. Given that the ministry of health and family welfare ...
Clinical trials in Sri Lanka: new Act at…
Clinical trials are defined as studies involving human participants, with the intervention being selected by the investigator. The intervention can be related to a new drug or device, or a new indication for an already approved drug or device. The intervention can also relate to different healthc...
Angelina’s choice: private decision, public impact
The decision of the actress, Angelina Jolie (AJ), to undergo preventive risk-reducing bilateral mastectomy has elicited extreme responses, in support and against. We will discuss whether her decision was justified and if there are other options available to women. AJ, who is 38 years old, i...
Criteria for a just strike action by medical…
In response to a strike action by some doctors at the Safdarjung Hospital, the Delhi Medical Council issued a statement, in December 2010, that it was "...of the view that under no circumstances doctors should resort to strike as the same puts patient care in serious jeopardy and such actio...
Promoting public health research in BRICS through a…
This article proposes the establishment of a prize fund to incentivise public health research within the BRICS association, which comprises the five major emerging world economies: Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. This would stimulate cooperative healthcare research within the group...
India’s regulatory reforms on compensation for clinical trial…
Financial compensation to participants in clinical trials for the immediate and long-term medical treatment of injuries sustained while participating in the trials, and payment to their next of kin when such injuries result in death, is a relatively neglected subject, particularly in developing c...
New rules for clinical trial-related injury and compensation

The rules for compensation for injury and death in clinical trials have recently been notified. These rules clarify that medical management of all injuries in clinical trials is mandatory and in cases in which injury or death is related to the clinical trial, the subject (or nominee) is entitl...

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