Category: Case Studies
Infertility treatment is a human right
Although assisted reproduction may not be a public health priority in many countries, it is a central issue in the lives of the individuals who are unable to have child. Few situations in life are as challenging and overwhelming as coping with childlessness. In these situations, the personal suff...
Should case documentations be used for research?
We would like to present the ethical dilemmas we face in our current work at Dilaasa, a public hospital-based crisis centre providing social and psychological support to women facing domestic violence. Started in 2000, it is a joint initiative with the Municipal Corporation of Mumbai. It attempts...
Data can be used with safeguards
The author of the case study has highlighted a dilemma that confronts many counsellors. Should case documentations in an area such as domestic violence be used for research?
Use the data but take consent
The author has identified a number of ethical issues in the case study. I am particularly interested in two of these, interconnected with each other and with other issues, including those raised by the team. The first of them is whether information shared in a counselling session can be used for ...
Ethical quandaries in anthropological fieldwork in psychiatric settings
The difficulties discussed in this case study were encountered by me during my doctoral research on mental illness among urban women. The objective of the research was to qualitatively explore the meaning of mental illness in the lives of a cohort of hospitalised mentally ill women and their fami...
Rapport building and blurring identity
Renu Addlakha (RA) sensitively portrays ethical issues and dilemmas inherent in anthropological research, particularly in research projects carried out in institutionalised settings among marginalised and stigmatised populations. As a conscientious researcher, well attuned to the nuances and shad...
Competence in mental health research
Conducting psychiatric studies from the perspective of the humanities and the social sciences is a new endeavour in the Indian context. For this reason the ethical quandaries that may be faced in this area are seldom discussed. A few medical institutions working in the mental health sector have s...
Protecting psychiatric patients in research
Renu Addlakha (RA) discusses a number of pertinent ethical issues in the summary of her research. These issues could be generally divided into three categories: confidentiality, freedom of participation and consent, and the therapeutic misconception.
Research with transgendered people
This case study describes HP's experiences during an independently conducted exploratory study among a community of transgendered people. Trained in anthropology and public health, HP conducted the study for her Masters' dissertation in International Health. She was supported by a fellowship from...
The dilemmas of independent researchers
HP has highlighted the methodological and ethical dilemmas that arise when conducting research among socially marginalised groups, as well as the problems of independent researchers who must grapple with these issues without institutional support. Her preparations getting to know her informants, ...
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