Download Cover Letter


(Last updated on May 15, 2024)

Your submission must be in the Microsoft Word format and accompanied by a cover letter in the format given below. Submission processing will begin only on receipt of all the necessary information in this cover letter duly signed by all authors. Authors are advised to carefully read IJME Submission Guidelines before submission, and to not change the cover letter format.

[Select/click (check-mark-silhouette-art-vector-48747997) boxes and provide precise and brief explanations in the letter.]

(Abbreviations: ICMJE: International Committee of Medical Journal Editors; WAME: World Association of Medical Editors)

Indian Journal of Medical Ethics, (
Mumbai, India


Title of Submission:

Article Type of Submission (choose from IJME submission guidelines):

Name of Corresponding Author:

 1.*  Information/Statements: About Submission
   a.  Pre-print/Blog: Is any version of the submission published on a pre-print/blog?  ☐ Yes  ☐ No

 If YES, please provide a link to it and information on revision/s carried out.

 b.  Was it submitted to any other journal prior to submitting it to IJME?  ☐ Yes  ☐ No

 If YES, please provide a copy of (i) peer review/editorial comments and/or (ii) the decline letter from   that journal.

 c. Overlap with other paper(s) of author(s): Were some or parts of your current  submission reported in other paper(s) published or awaiting publication? (Refer  ICMJE)  ☐ Yes  ☐ No

 If YES, please (i) specify which parts/data of the current submission have already been published.

 And (ii) provide a copy of those published papers.

d.  Non-author contributors: As per ICMJE, non-author contributors must be acknowledged but only  after getting their written permission.
   Have you acknowledged any non-author contributors in your submission?  ☐ Yes  ☐ No
 If YES, have you obtained their written permission?  ☐ Yes  ☐ No
 Please provide names of non-author contributors and details of their contributions in the  acknowledgment section at the end of the main text and before the references.
 e.  Use of Artificial Intelligence (AI): Did you take assistance of any AI-Technology in  writing and editing of the submission? (see ICMJE & WAME)  ☐ Yes  ☐ No
 If YES, please respond to the following:
 (i) AI was used for writing assistance and details of  the same have been  described in the acknowledgment section.  ☐ Yes  ☐ No
 (ii) AI was used in data collection, analysis, figure generation etc, and details of  the same have been described in the method section.  ☐ Yes  ☐ No
 AI/Chatbot as Author: IJME does NOT allow AI-technology to be listed as author/co-author. [ Please  Note: The responsibility for integrity of text (including plagiarism), analysis, material and citation  generated by the AI-technology is solely of the author(s)]
 f.  Funding Support: Did you receive any funding support for the research and/or  preparation of the submission?  ☐ Yes  ☐ No

 If YES, provide information on the quantum and source of funding:

 g.  Article Processing Charge/Fee (APC): Payment of APC by author is voluntary  (PWYW: Pay What You Want, including no payment). Can you afford to pay some  amount as APC?  ☐ Yes  ☐ No

 If YES, please specify amount you will be able to pay as APC (it may be any amount, to be paid if  submission is approved, from INR1000 or US$50 onwards):

 2.  Information/statements: Fill up ONLY in submissions using findings of Empirical Research with  human/ animal participants; and/or other identifiable biological/personal data
   a.  Research Ethics Observed: We hereby confirm that we have strictly observed in  practice all research ethics standards as per the currently applicable Indian and  International Guidelines. We also confirm that at no stage was there any data  fabrication and falsification.  ☐ Yes  ☐ No
 b.  Ethics Review and Approval: Prior to commencement of research, relevant  Research Ethics Committee (REC) reviewed and approved or provided waiver of  review for the research.  ☐ Yes  ☐ No
 c.  Approval/Waiver Letter of REC: An approval/waiver letter from the REC will be  uploaded/provided along with the submission (Please note that if the REC waived  review, or waived written/documented informed consent/allowed verbal consent,  the approval letter must mention it).  ☐ Yes  ☐ No

 3.  Data Sharing
   a.  Sharing anonymised raw data used in the submission (but are NOT available in public domain & are  in the custody of author(s)/their institutions) with editors, reviewers and readers is an ethical  obligation. Please tick one of the following modes of data sharing.
   (i) We are making anonymised data in our custody available in public domain by providing  them as supplementary file(s) for editors, reviewers and to be displayed on the IJME  website for readers when the submission is published.  ☐
 (ii) We will make our anonymised data available only to editors and peer reviewers.  ☐
 (iii) We will make our anonymised data available to editors and peer reviewers, but to the  readers only on request.  ☐
 (iv) We do not want to share our anonymised data with anybody  ☐
 (v) Not applicable: Data already in public domain/no such data used in submission  ☐
 b.  If you do not wish to share data, please explain reasons (please note that you need to have good  reasons for not sharing data):

Authors’ Undertaking:

I/We confirm that the information provided above is correct. I/We confirm that I/we have contributed sufficiently as per the ICMJE guidelines to be eligible for authorship in the submission made to IJME, and state that I/each of us am/is equally responsible and accountable for the entire content of the submission. We also state that the submission is our original work and is free of plagiarism of any kind.



 Author 1



Affiliation*: (Maximum two institutions or non-affiliated/independent): Name, mailing address & website 


Position held at the institution*: 


Email Id*: (Institutional Id, followed by any other Id) 


ORCID iD: (Please provide the entire link, not just the ORCID number) 


Describe contribution made by the  author in the submission*: 


Conflict of Interest (COI)*: Make  statement here & if needed, also  submit ICMJE Form during online  submission process. 



 Author 2



Affiliation*: (Maximum two institutions or non-affiliated/independent): Name, mailing address & website 


Position held at the institution*: 


Email Id*: (Institutional Id, followed by any other Id) 


ORCID iD: (Please provide the entire link, not just the ORCID number) 


Describe contribution made by the  author in the submission: 


Conflict of Interest (COI)*: Make  statement here & if needed, also  submit ICMJE Form during online  submission process. 



 Author 3



Affiliation*: (Maximum two institutions or non-affiliated/independent): Name, mailing address & website 


Position held at the institution*: 


Email Id*: (Institutional Id, followed by any other Id) 


ORCID iD: (Please provide the entire link, not just the ORCID number) 


Describe contribution made by the  author in the submission*: 


Conflict of Interest (COI)*: Make  statement here & if needed, also  submit ICMJE Form during online  submission process. 



(Note: Add rows for more authors; Entries marked with an asterisk * are mandatory to be filled)
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