Artificial Intelligence in Health Care:
Ethics, Law and Human Rights Matters

Online payment

For updated information, please visit the new website:


Online transfer (process)

  1. Please click on the payment link below. This will take you to the payment portal.
  2. Ensure you fill in the correct information on the form to calculate the exact amount you will be required to pay.
  3. Once you have made the payment, you will be shown a link to the registration form.
  4. Please fill this form completely. Kindly note that your registration will only be considered complete and confirmed after you fill up the registration form.
  5. You will get a receipt of payment made and that the form has been filled up.

CLICK HERE to make the payment and register for the Congress.

NOTE: After making the payment, CC avenue sends a mail to the payee confirming that their transaction was successful. In case you do not see it in your inbox, kindly check spam/junk mail folder.