A discussion and a debate

There has been much discussion on biomedical research ethics. The discussion section in this issue of the journal carries a collection of thoughtful essays on the complexities of social science health research. What are the researcher’s obligations to the community s/he studies? Do these obligations depend on the availability of resources? How does one address the sometimes opposing pulls of methodological purity and ethical practice? One of the writers presents issues to consider, referring to various studies; the others discuss their own work and how ethical questions were raised and resolved.

We begin the new year with a spirited debate on the subject of doctors advertising. Is putting up a website providing people much needed information or soliciting clients? Is there a universally accepted perspective on whether doctors should be allowed to advertise? What is behind the call to allow advertisements? These and other issues are touched upon by the writers.

Both sets of essays should provoke reactions from our readers, and we look forward to carrying the dialogue further in coming issues.


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Case Studies

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From the Press

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Book Review

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Financial Report

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