Category: Students’ Corner
Little sparks: The NBC experience
When I heard that I’d have the honour of attending the National Bioethics Conference in Pune in 2017, to which I was sent by the Health and Humanities Division of St. John’s, I really didn’t know what to expect.
Family presence in the trauma setting: A case…
The topic of family presence during resuscitation (FPDR) has been in the medical literature for several decades. However, these discussions have largely failed to delineate a difference between resuscitation of patients in cardiac arrest and the resuscitation and stabilisation of trauma victims b...
Gender perspectives in medical education
Medical students have to go through an incredibly vast number of voluminous textbooks in their undergraduate years. But most of us learn next to nothing about the intricacies of the social determinants of health and the larger socio-political-cultural spaces we will have to negotiate. Without any...
Bias in medicine in the context of the…
In today's world, I feel another sin needs to be added to the list of the seven deadly sins, viz the sin of intolerance. We hear this term on the news every other day and see society display this attitude more often than not. While the movie Aligarh raised myriad social issues, as a medical stude...
Arab doctors, evolving society and corruption: a medical…
Doctors, especially junior doctors, face immense pressure in their day-to-day work. As a result, the rates of depression and anxiety are particularly high in this demanding profession. The pressure, which is compounded by constantly being under societal scrutiny, can unfortunately drive the docto...
Are we treating our geriatric population ethically? –…
With the improvement in health services and continuing advancements in medicine, people are living longer all over the world. Thus the proportion of patients in the elderly age group is also increasing. How ethically are we treating our geriatric patients in India and what does the future h...
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