Category: Research Articles
Affirmative action, minorities, and public services in India:…
The National Health Policy in India mentions equity as a key policy principle and emphasises the role of affirmative action in achieving health equity for a range of excluded groups. We conducted a scoping review of literature and three multi-stakeholder workshops to better understand the availab...
The marketing of OxyContin®: A cautionary tale
This paper provides a review of Purdue Pharma, LP’s development and marketing of the long-acting oral narcotic OxyContin®. Within five years of the drug’s launch, OxyContin® became the number-one prescribed Schedule II narcotic in the United States. This commercial success was in part the resul...
Assessing completion reports for compliance with institutional ethics…
Background: Protocol non-compliance in clinical research studies is common and can affect both patient safety and data integrity. There are no published studies which actively looked for non-compliance. The present study was carried out, against this background, with the objective of assessing th...
The ethical responsibility of healthcare providers to advise…
There is clear evidence of a link between health and physical activity (PA). PA is universally prescribed as a primary treatment for most chronic diseases. However, studies show that not many health professionals advise patients about PA. The current study examines how a cost-effective tool to im...
Minor gifts from pharmaceutical companies to doctors: A…
Pharmaceutical companies in countries that have community-oriented models of healthcare, unlike other countries with highly privatised healthcare systems, such as the United States, cannot legally advertise medications directly to patients. Thus, the physician is entirely responsible for choosing...
Medical ethics in laboratory medicine: A review, with…
The basic tenets of medical ethics are: autonomy of the patient, beneficence, non-maleficence and justice. These are usually interpreted in the light of the practice of clinical medicine but also apply to pathology and laboratory medicine, a field in which there is often no direct patient contact...
The Aristotelian model of friendship and the IU-Kenya…
Disparity in economic development between high-income countries (HICs) and low- and medium-income countries (LMICs) has necessitated collaborations, some in health-related activities. Globalisation frameworks indicate that, in fair collaborations, the ultimate aim should be to improve the situati...
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