Category: Research Articles
International collaborative trials, placebo controls and The Declaration…
Inequities in socio-economic and healthcare systems between developed and developing countries have been thrown into sharp relief by globalisation. At the same time, pharmaceutical companies have started conducting clinical trials in developing countries in order to reduce their costs substantial...
Less equal than others? Experiences of AYUSH medical…
The National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) includes, inter alia, the establishment of an AYUSH (Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homoeopathy) component (practitioner, trained assistants, drugs and equipment) in every primary health centre (PHC). However, five years following the la...
Continuing oversight through site monitoring: experiences of an…
WHO-TDR and the Indian Council of Medical Research recommend site visits by institutional ethics committees (IECs) for continued oversight, to ensure the ethical conduct of research. Our IEC conducted seven site visits in 2008-2009 using a standardised format to monitor adherence to protocol and ...
A study of warning letters issued to clinical…
Background: Warning letters (WLs) issued by the US FDA (United States Food and Drug Administration) mention the nature of violations by clinical investigators and institutional review boards (IRBS) and can help as training tools.
Survey of ethics committee protocol approval letters: compliance…
A study was carried out to determine the extent to which ECs comply with format requirements given in guidelines and regulations. ECs were sent a written communication requesting them to permit investigators to study their approval letter for compliance with the ICMR Guidelines and Schedule Y, us...
Considering ethics in community eye health planning: perspectives…
Despite the widespread acceptance of the principles of the Alma Ata Declaration of 1978 and the subsequent amendments, health for all has remained a distant dream in many parts of the developing world. Concerns such as the economic efficiency of health systems and their reach and coverage have do...
Impact of UNCRPD on the status of persons…
The sanctity of human life is a fundamental human value and the medical profession has been ethically charged with respecting and enhancing the value of all human beings’ lives. However, disabilityselective abortion has been perceived as an acceptable health intervention to eliminate disabilities...
The role of basic laboratory services in strengthening…
Several proposals have been initiated under the National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) to strengthen public health services in the country. Primary health centres (PHCs) are the basic structure for implementing primary healthcare, and basic laboratory services are essential not only for strengtheni...
Medicare in the USA: a review of 45…
Medicare, the federal health insurance in the United States of America for senior citizens 65 and older, and for disabled persons under 65, celebrated its 45th anniversary in 2010. 2010 also marked the introduction of major healthcare reform in the USA, the first significant overhaul since the 19...
Content audit of drug advertisements in Pakistan
A sample of 120 drug advertisements was drawn by nonprobability convenience sampling from among the stalls of 50 pharmaceutical companies participating in an exhibition in Karachi, Pakistan. 23 belonging to the NSAID drug group were selected and evaluated on whether they met guidelines for ethica...
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