Category: Letters
Hepatitis B campaigns
Two and a half years ago, we put out a press release jointly signed by health professionals and voluntary organisations, excerpts of which are reproduced below:
Routine medical circumcision
I am an American social worker seeking information on the ethics of routine medical circumcision. I find lots of medical arguments for and against the practice, but almost nothing on its ethics.
HBV vaccine: need for debate
It is learnt that the central government is about to include Hepatitis B vaccination in the Expanded Programme of Imunisation. The Expenditure Finance Committee has recommended an allotment of Rs. 2,825 crore during the Ninth Plan for this purpose. This decision involves an annual expenditure of ...
A campaign to take on corrupt medical practice
Suggestions for IME
I feel bad that the journal, which is perhaps the only representative of any remnants of ethical core of health care in India, is floundering due to problems with funds.
Banned formulations
The government of India has banned certain combinations of medicines as being non- rational and one among them is a fixed-dose combination of dextropropoxyphene with any other drug other than anti-spasmodics and/or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).
Ethics and AIDS vaccine trials: a response
With regard to Professor Sanjay Mehendale's valuable article on 'Ethical considerations in AIDS vaccine trials', could I make afew critical comments? In preventive HIV vaccine trials, any participant who gets infected as a consequence of his or her participation in such a trial deserves the best ...
Pinch of salt
I have been following, for some years now, with great interest, and some amusement, the beliefs of Kothari et al in their crusade against oncologists. Let me state right now, that I enjoy reading their theories - but take them with the proverbial pinch of salt. I refer specifically in this letter...
Blood collection in medical practice
Put yourself in the patient’s shoes
I was very pleased to read the article by Sarita Agrawal. I am glad that articulate patients like her are finally making their voice heard.
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