Category: Letters
Rural doctors: A solution, or yet another problem…
A stark difference exists in the healthcare facilities available to the rural and urban population in India. The country is currently facing a severe shortage of all categories of staff in the rural health system. While the comment made by Mahatma Gandhi that India lives in its villages holds tru...
Ethics and law
In the April- June issue of the Journal, you have started a new column entitled as ethics and law. This is a good development. Our readers need to know the different laws that govern health care in our country. The article has achieved that objective. The article does not mention anything about E...
Staggering apathy to injustice
I enjoyed reading the editorial by Nagral on the Ketan Desai/Medical Council of India issue, but regard it as yet another expose of the general and overall apathy to injustice and procedural irregularity among our Indian population, be it medical or general, and this is both staggering and depres...
Deceptive perpetrators under cover: are they on the…
The pursuit of academic advancement in the field of medicine entails trudging through the rough terrain of medical journals. The current standard set by the Medical Council of India regarding departmental promotion in medical institutions has made publication mandatory. The need to "publish or pe...
Postgraduate surgical training in India
Postgraduate surgical training is supposed to be one of the toughest stages of training in medicine. While there is no doubt that surgical trainees in India get good experience in open surgery during their tenure, consultant surgeons are reluctant to train surgical postgraduate students in laparo...
Wearing white coats in public places: pride or…
It has become increasingly common to spot doctors sporting white coats and stethoscopes at shopping malls, restaurants, grocery shops, on roads, in buses and other public places. This has become a trend, especially among medical students and junior doctors, with little insight regarding its impli...
The human cadaver: the silent teacher of human…
At the medical school where one of us was teaching, a first year medical student came running out of the anatomy class, saying that he could not bear to see a dead body. The smell of formalin and the cadaver disturbed him. He felt that he had joined the medical field to see life, not a dead human...
Boundary violations in patient care: need for evolving…
The article by Kurpad, Machado and Galgali focuses on an issue which has probably not been discussed in Indian academic medical journals earlier. Nonsexual and sexual boundary violations (NSBV and SBV) certainly occur frequently in doctor-patient relations and this is confirmed by data from the a...
Proud to be the son of a mentally…
I am a 63-year-old professor who has taught medical students for the past 35 years. My mother is mentally retarded. I always had the feeling that I missed my mother's love for me. I could see glimpses of her love and concern for me during spurts of her longing to see me when I was away from home.
Do we need two systems for postgraduate medical…
The articles on the National Board of Examination (NBE) were informative. We would like to draw attention to the farcical manner in which the entry to the Diplomate of the National Board (DNB) is conducted. Admissions to MD/MS programmes are based on the candidate's performance and rank in the en...
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