Category: Editorials
Can ethics committees address society’s concerns about standards…
Two years ago in an editorial we discussed the importance of bringing the spotlight onto the functioning of ethics committees (ECs) in India. Since the first ethical guidelines for biomedical research were formulated by the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) in 1980 (and their subsequent v...
Inclusion of ethics matters in the undergraduate medical…
Ethics is now at the centre stage of medical education and calls to intensify its formal teaching in the curriculum are getting louder. In the past, ethics was often given short shrift in the Indian MBBS curriculum, and consigned to a few forgotten pages in textbooks of forensic medicine. These m...
Life and death after Aruna Shanbaug
On March 7, 2011, the Supreme Court of India (SCI) delivered a progressive judgement with far-reaching implications for end-of-life care and medical practice. The 110-page document written by Justice Markandey Katju was delivered by a two-judge division bench. It is available on the SCI website a...
Serial maternal deaths in a tertiary care hospital:…
Between February 13 and March 18, 2011, a total of 18 women lost their lives while admitted in Umaid Hospital and the MG Hospital, Jodhpur, for medical management of their pregnancies. The majority of these women were from villages and all were from weak socio-economic backgrou...
HPV vaccine trials and sleeping watchdogs
In April 2010, the government announced an enquiry into the conduct of a study on the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) vaccine in Andhra Pradesh and Gujarat. More than a year later, the committee's final report is yet to be made public. The committee's preliminary report records a number of ethical vi...
Medical Council of India and the Indian Medical…
The Medical Council of India (MCI), in a rare act, suspended the licences of the president and secretary of the Indian Medical Association (IMA) for six months, on the grounds that they had performed an unethical act in endorsing products of PepsiCo and Dabur. The MCI’s action followed a one-pers...
The NBC and the bioethics movement in India
It is well known that bioethics evolved in the West as a result of   series of scandals and a public outcry over the misuse of authority and control by the medical profession. By comparison, in India, the medical profession has not faced such public scrutiny or censure. Modern medicine, in partic...
Turmoil over New Delhi Metallo-Beta Lactamase-1: a tale…
Gone are the heady days of the 1960s when we tramped around town on August 15 with a tricolour in hand and a song on our lips. By the 1990s, patriotism was passe and it was clearly "uncool" to become sentimental on Independence Day. After all, why waste a hard-earned holiday moping over imp...
The Bhopal gas disaster and the poor state…
The egregious verdict, delivered after 26 long years, in the Bhopal gas case is merely the foretold result of an unholy collaboration between the political class, the bureaucracy and the judiciary. The blatant manoeuvres that ensured that this kind of verdict would be delivered are a matter...
Ketan Desai and the Medical Council of India:…
“The Medical Council of India is a statutory national agencyc charged with several responsibilities. Sadly, it is plagued by inefficiency, arbitrariness and lack of transparency. It has been functioning for some years as the fiefdom of one person, Ketan Desai. He has been re-elected president of ...
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