Artificial Intelligence in Health Care:
Ethics, Law and Human Rights Matters

14th WCB main event registration fees

For updated information, please visit the new website:


All registered participants will be provided with Congress material, lunch and tea for all three days at the venue. The Congress registration fees are:

Registration fees for the main Congress (December 5 to 7, 2018)
Types of Registration fees* # Participants from India and other countries with low-income and lower-middle-income economies** Participants from countries with upper-middle and high-income economies**
  Students and Journalists***   Students and Journalists***
Registration fees, including spot registration for three days of Congress INR 4,000
US$ 60
INR 2,000
US$ 30
INR 20,000
US$ 300
INR 10,000
US$ 150
Early bird registration (until October 15, 2018) INR 2,700
US$ 40
INR 1,400
US$ 20
INR 15,000
US$ 225
INR 8,000
US$ 115
One day registration, including one-day spot registration. INR 1,200
US$ 20
INR 600
US$ 10
INR 6,500
US$ 100
INR 3,500
US$ 50


12th FAB 2018 Registration fee
  Participants from India and other countries with low-income and lower-middle-income economies** Participants from countries with upper-middle and high-income economies**
Types of Registration fees* #   Students and Journalists***   Students and Journalists***
Registration fees, including spot registration for three days of FAB Congress INR 3,500 INR 1,750 INR 18,000 INR 9,000
US$ 55 US$ 25 US$ 275 US$ 140
Early bird registration (until October 15, 2018) INR 2,500 INR 1,250 INR 14,000 INR 7,000
US$ 40 US$ 20 US$ 215 US$ 110
One day registration, including one-day spot registration INR 1000 INR 500 INR 5,200 INR 2,800
US$ 15 US$ 8 US$ 80 US$ 45


Discounted registration fees (Main Congress+FAB)
  Participants from India and other countries with low-income and lower-middle-income economies** Participants from countries with upper-middle and high-income economies**
Types of Registration fees* #   Students and Journalists***   Students and Journalists***
Registration fees, including spot registration for three days of Congress and two days of FAB Congress Sum: INR 4000 + 3,500= INR 7,500; (discounted: INR 7,000) Sum: 2000+ 1750 = 3,750 (discounted = INR 3,500) Sum= INR 20,000 + INR 18,000 = INR 38,000; (discounted INR 36,000) Sum = INR 10,000 + 9,000 = INR 19,000; (Discounted: INR 18,000)
US$ 115 US$ 50 US$ 550 US$ 275
Early bird registration (until October 15, 2018) Sum: INR 2700 + INR 2500 = INR 5200; Discounted: INR 5,000 Sum: INR 1400 + INR 1250 = INR 2650; Discounted: INR 2500 SUM: INR 15000 + INR 14000 = INR 29000; Discounted: INR 28,000 Sum: INR 8000 + INR 7000= INR 15000; Discounted: INR 14,000
US$ 75 US$ 40 US$ 430 US$ 215
One day registration, including one-day spot registration and registration for FAB Congress Sum: INR 1200 + INR 1000 = INR 2200; Discounted: INR 2000 Sum: INR 600 + INR 500 = INR 1100; Discounted: INR 1000 Sum: INR 6500 + INR 5200 = INR 11,700; Discounted: INR 10,700 Sum: INR 3500 + INR 2800 = INR 6300; Discounted: INR 5,500
US$ 30 US$ 15 US$ 165 US$ 85

+ Registrants will be required to pay 18% GST in addition to the registration fee.
+ For online payments, registrants will be required to pay a payment gateway charge in addition to the registration fee + 18% GST. The final amount will be calculated and displayed before the payment is made.
* includes lunch, refreshments, Congress material, and access to all Congress sessions and cultural events except pre-congress meets/workshops/symposia
# All World Congress of Bioethics participants will be members of the International Association of Bioethics, and hence are due to pay membership fees. The fees have been temporarily reduced on the occasion of the 14th World Congress of Bioethics, Bengaluru. Three different tiers apply; you will have to pay either US$80, US$30, or US$10, depending on your country and student/employment status. This membership fee once paid will ensure membership till before the 2020 World Congress. Unfortunately due to foreign exchange regulations in India it is impossible for us to collect these via the congress registration, as has been done in the previous years. Please pay the fees directly to the IAB secretariat, via this link:
A receipt/confirmation will be sent to you on payment. Kindly keep a payment confirmation handy if needed for follow-up.
** (the same is reproduced at the end of the page for your ready reference)
*** Registration fees for students and journalists are at 50% discount in respective categories. Students and journalists will be required to produce a valid identification card Registration fees do not include breakfast, dinner or accommodation.

For any assistance, please contact the 14th WCB Secretariat at: [email protected] and on (91) 9833891190

List of countries according their status of economies as the World Bank Ranking

Available from:

Afghanistan Guinea Rwanda
Benin Guinea-Bissau Senegal
Burkina Faso Haiti Sierra Leone
Burundi Korea, Dem. People's Rep. Somalia
Central African Republic Liberia South Sudan
Chad Madagascar Tanzania
Comoros Malawi Togo
Congo, Dem. Rep Mali Uganda
Eritrea Mozambique Zimbabwe
Ethiopia Nepal  
Gambia, The Niger  


Angola Indonesia Philippines
Armenia Jordan São Tomé and Principe
Bangladesh Kenya Solomon Islands
Bhutan Kiribati Sri Lanka
Bolivia Kosovo Sudan
Cabo Verde Kyrgyz Republic Swaziland
Cambodia Lao PDR Syrian Arab Republic
Cameroon Lesotho Tajikistan
Congo, Rep. Mauritania Timor-Leste
Côte d'Ivoire Micronesia, Fed. Sts. Tunisia
Djibouti Moldova Ukraine
Egypt, Arab Rep. Mongolia Uzbekistan
El Salvador Morocco Vanuatu
Georgia Myanmar Vietnam
Ghana Nicaragua West Bank and Gaza
Guatemala Nigeria Yemen, Rep.
Honduras Pakistan Zambia
India Papua New Guinea  


Albania Ecuador Nauru
Algeria Fiji Panama
American Samoa Gabon Paraguay
Argentina Grenada Peru
Azerbaijan Guyana Romania
Belarus Iran, Islamic Rep. Russian Federation
Belize Iraq Samoa
Bosnia and Herzegovina Jamaica Serbia
Botswana Kazakhstan South Africa
Brazil Lebanon St. Lucia
Bulgaria Libya St. Vincent and the Grenadines
China Macedonia, FYR Suriname
Colombia Malaysia Thailand
Costa Rica Maldives Tonga
Croatia Marshall Islands Turkey
Cuba Mauritius Turkmenistan
Dominica Mexico Tuvalu
Dominican Republic Montenegro Venezuela, RB
Equatorial Guinea Namibia  


Andorra Greece Poland
Antigua and Barbuda Greenland Portugal
Aruba Guam Puerto Rico
Australia Hong Kong SAR, China Qatar
Austria Hungary San Marino
Bahamas, The Iceland Saudi Arabia
Bahrain Ireland Seychelles
Barbados Isle of Man Singapore
Belgium Israel Sint Maarten (Dutch part)
Bermuda Italy Slovak Republic
British Virgin Islands Japan Slovenia
Brunei Darussalam Korea, Rep. Spain
Canada Kuwait St. Kitts and Nevis
Cayman Islands Latvia St. Martin (French part)
Channel Islands Liechtenstein Sweden
Chile Lithuania Switzerland
Curaçao Luxembourg Taiwan, China
Cyprus Macao SAR, China Trinidad and Tobago
Czech Republic Malta Turks and Caicos Islands
Denmark Monaco United Arab Emirates
Estonia Netherlands United Kingdom
Faroe Islands New Caledonia United States
Finland New Zealand Uruguay
France Northern Mariana Islands Virgin Islands (U.S.)
French Polynesia Norway  
Germany Oman  
Gibraltar Palau