Artificial Intelligence in Health Care:
Ethics, Law and Human Rights Matters

Call for Abstracts

For updated information, please visit the new website:


THEME: Health for All in an Unequal World: Obligations of Global Bioethics

About the Congress: Five plenaries will be woven around these sub-themes of the Congress: Bringing Rights and Ethics to the Centre in the 'Health for All' discourse; Rethinking Bioethics Boundaries in the Context of Health for All; Challenges for Bioethics in an Unequal World; Implications of Gender and Sexuality in Bioethics; Interrogating the Construct of Marginalisation and Vulnerabilities as Obligations of Bioethics.

Presentation of papers, posters, workshops, pre-Congress symposia and congress will be organized around the congress sub-themes [Theme & Sub-themes], and will also include themes from within the broader discipline of bioethics. Abstracts that critically discuss cutting-edge themes and concepts in bioethics and those that describe research findings or project outcomes will be preferred for the Congress.

Format for abstracts: 1. Title 2. Author details (Designation and Institutional Affiliation (if any), Email and Postal address; NOTE: Please list authors in order (First Author to Last) 3. Background and Purpose 4. Description of research method or ethical issues / dilemmas 5. Results of research or outcome of ethical inquiry 6. Discussion (related to bioethics principles and theories) and implications for bioethics 7. Preferred mode of presentation (pick one): Oral/Poster/Either 8. Name of person presenting the paper at the NBC 9. Maximum number of words (for parts 3-6 above) is 250. Please ensure that points 1-9 are covered in your abstract. Incomplete abstracts will not be considered for review.

Criteria for selection of abstracts: The Scientific Committee of the Congress will use, among others, the following four criteria for reviewing the abstracts: 1. Relevance to the subject of bioethics and the Congress; 2. Clarity of ideas; 3. Originality; and 4. Methodological rigour.

Send submissions to: [email protected]

KINDLY NOTE: We have received a tremendous response regarding submissions. However, on request from many interested participants, the committee has decided to extend the timeline to Thursday, May 10, 2018; 23:59 hrs Indian Standard Time. Please consider this as the final date and no extensions will be considered under any circumstance thereafter.

Extended timeline of submission: Till May 10, 2018 (Thursday)
Communication of the decision to authors: Mid June, 2018

NOTE: Acceptance of abstract for oral presentation, poster presentation, symposium proposal does not indicate funding support from the Congress organisers. Funding will be the responsibility of the authors. All presenters and faculty/panellists on symposia are required to individually register for the Congress.

Pre-Congress satellite meetings: Mon-Tue, December 3 & 4, 2018
Main Congress: Wed-Friday, December 5-7, 2018

St. John's National Academy of Health Sciences,
Sarjapur Road, John Nagar, Koramangala, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560034 (

Forum for Medical Ethics Society (
Sama Resource Group for Women and Health (
St. John's National Academy of Health Sciences ( &
Society for Community Health Awareness, Research and Action (

Congress Website