What does it mean to be a doctor?

WE hear only too often that all of society is corrupt, morality belongs to the naive, and cutting corners is the only way to survive and get ahead. With this issue we start a new column, ‘Inspiring lives’, in which respected senior health professionals speak of how they managed to live successful and personally satisfying professional lives without compromising on ethical principles.

The carnage in Gujarat calls for doctors to think of their professional and social responsibilities when society is being divided along communal lines. Signatories to the editorial on the medical profession and communal violence are:

Dr Arun Bal; Dr Thomas George; Dr Amar Jesani; Dr Santosh Karmarkar; Ms Neha Madhiwalla; Samiran Nundy; Yash Lokhandwala; Dr Sunil K Pandya; Dr Bashir Mamdani; Dr Meenal Mamdani; Dr Sanjay A Pai; Dr Anil Pilgaokar; Dr Nobhojit Roy; P K Sarkar; Ms Sandhya Srinivasan; Dr George Thomas. 


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