As issue in Medical Ethics starts its seventh year of publication. We would like to inform our readers of the small ups and downs in ours functioning.
First, since our shift of office in the latter part of 1997, we have been not very successful at maintaining the essential day-to-day, tasks that have kept the journal running for all these years.
We apologise to our readers for any lapses on our part, and do hope that you will bear with us as we set ourseives-right.
0n the upside. we are making efforts to expand our readership, and provoke discussion and debate. We iook forward to your responses and contributions n-r this effort, The growth and development of IME is intimately linked with the involvement ‘of its readers in the debates on health care and medical ethics today.
Cover: From Ayurveda Unravelled, by Sharadini Dahanukar and Urmila Thatte, National Book Trust India, Delhi, 1996