Vol , Issue Date of Publication: January 01, 2010

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Subscriptions: Rs 66, 553, sale of publications: Rs 980, membership fees: Rs 600, bank interest (including fixed deposit interest): Rs 191,344.15, and donations: Rs 35,000.

In the year 2008-09 we incurred expenses for services of regular staff, payment of honoraria and printing of journal. The Forum for Medical Ethics Society spent Rs 1,97,207 on printing and posting the journal and Rs 167,462 on honoraria. Approximately Rs 45,000 went into establishment and other expenses including website expenses. Rs 305,462 was spent on the Third K R Memorial Seminar on Clinical Trials and Healthcare Regulation in India. The seminar was co-organised by the Centre for Studies in Ethics and Rights and the Indian Journal of Medical Ethics.

There are 790 current subscribers. This includes 219 medical colleges receiving gift subscriptions and 155 life subscribers.

Donations to the Forum for Medical Ethics Society are eligible for 50 per cent tax exemption under sections 80G of the Income Tax Act.

Properties and assets Rs
Fixed assets 1,703.00
In saving bank account 596,855.69
Fixed deposit 2,251,175.00
Accrued interest 18,786.91
Advance tax deducted at source 58,717.00
Fund and liabilities Rs
Trust funds or corpus 11,157.00
Contingencies reserve fund 45,000.00
Life subscription fees (refundable) 430,570.00
Balance as per last balance sheet 2,864,346.35
Excess of expenditure over income (-) 423,835.75
Income during the year
Sr No. Particulars Rs
Bank interest
1 On fixed deposit 132,056.15
2 On saving bank account 59,288.00
(b) Income from other sources
1 Membership fees 600.00
2 Sale of publication 980.00
3 Subscription 66,553.00
(c) Donation 35,000.00
Expenses incurred on objects of the trust (educational)
Sr. No. Particulars Rs
(a) Journal expenses
1 Printing and posting journal 197,207.00
2 Third KR Memorial Seminar 305,462.00
3 Honorarium 167,432.00
(b) Establishment expenses
1 Miscellaneous expenses 275.00
2 Computer expenses 1,500.00
3 Conveyance expenses 3,096.00
4 Staff welfare 420.00
5 Photocopying charges 916.90
6 Website expenses 34,499.00
7 Telephone charges 65.00
8 Repairs and maintenance 3,652.00
(c) Other
1 Depreciation 387.00
2 Audit fees 3,371.00
About the Authors
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