Vol , Issue
Date of Publication: October 01, 1998
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An appeal for nuclear sanity
Bernard Lown
Eugene I. Chazov
William H. Foege
Saeed-UL- Majeed
R. Jayachandra Reddy
We send this appeal based on long experience in struggling for peace and nuclear sanity in order to sustain life and promote health. A nuclear conflict between India and Pakistan would be an unmitigated catastrophe, not only for the people of India and Pakistan but for all humankind. No society can survive even a modest nuclear attack. No civil defense preparation can mitigate the dreadful consequences. An overwhelmed health care system could not cope with the massive numbers of casualties seeking help. The fatally injured would die in the solitude of their unrelieved agony.
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©Indian Journal of Medical Ethics 2016: Open Access and Distributed under the Creative Commons license ( CC BY-NC-ND 4.0),
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