Annexure 1

Scenario A: Script for video clip 1 for medical students (translated in English, shot in the vernacular language):

A general OPD setting where a doctor is seen attending to a patient sitting in the OPD.

Patient:      Doctor, I have been suffering from severe backache for a while now.

Doctor:       How long has it been?

Patient:     It’s been 10 days. Actually, I went to my village for a cousin’s wedding. I think I exerted too much and ended up with this backache. I heard on TV that yoga usually helps                     backache. But people are saying I should get an X-ray done. Do you think an x-ray is necessary?

Enter a flabbergasted relative.

Relative:     (yelling) Doctor, doctor my father is unable to walk! Doctor, do something.

Doctor:       Please wait outside. I am attending to another patient.

Relative:     It’s been a week he hasn’t been able to walk. Doctor you must do something immediately.

Doctor:       Please wait outside while I finish examining this patient. I will examine your father in your own turn.

Relative:     How much longer do you want me to wait? He needs immediate attention. Do something now! What kind of professionalism is this?

Doctor:      Please don’t create a commotion here. I will look at your father’s problem when it is your turn. Please wait outside. Why did not you come earlier? If he is sick, attendants                     outside will take him to emergency.

Relative:   I was busy somewhere, now I have time so I came. What kind of a doctor are you? Here my father is unable to walk and you’re acting so casually. See my father                     immediately.

Doctor:       (irritated) Please don’t come here and misbehave in my OPD.

Relative:     I know your kind. All you want is that more and more patients come to your OPD but you don’t want to treat them. All you want is to earn cash. (bangs chair on the floor)

While the patient makes a move towards the doctor, there is commotion in the OPD.

Scenario B: Script for video clip 2 for medical students

A 28-year-old boy presents in the emergency with fracture femur.

Doctor to attendant:     It is a simple case of fracture femur. There is no need to worry.

After three days the patient complains of breathlessness and needs ICU care.

Doctor:      He has to be shifted to the ICU and needs to be put on a ventilator. Please sign this consent form so we can proceed forward.

Relative:    Why is he being shifted to the ICU? What has happened to our boy? Doctor tell us something. You said it was simply a fracture.

Doctor:     Sometimes, unforeseen complications occur. Your son has developed a fat embolism due to the fracture. It is a known but rare complication but does not occur in all                     cases. Its urgent, please sign the consent so we can proceed. We are trying to save him.

Nurse:        (Reiterates the same) Please sign the consent so that we can start treatment.

Relative:    How can a fracture put my son on a ventilator? This is all because of your incompetence. All you doctors are greedy and don’t know how to treat patients. You just know                     how to loot the patients. You don’t know my uncle! He is an MLA. I will get your hospital shut down. I will not sign any consent.

The relative throws the paper at doctor and nurse and threatens them with dire consequences. Scene ends.

Script for video clip 3 for nursing students:


An IPD setting. Patient admitted in the ICU. Present in the scene are the attending nurse with the patient. Enter patient’s relative with homemade food.

Relative:   Uncle, I have brought home made food (Poori and halwa) specially for you. All the things you love to eat prepared in ghee. Today lunch will be amazing unlike the bland                    food you eat here every day.

Nurse:       What is going on here? What is in that tiffin?

Relative:   Nothing. Just some food I brought from home.

Nurse:      Sir, outside food is not allowed in the ward. The patient will be given food from the hospital pantry only.

Relative:   You call that food? How can you expect someone to recover if you give them food to make them even more sick? It is totally tasteless. I wouldn’t even give this food to the                   street dogs! My poor uncle has to eat your bland food.

Nurse:      Sir, the food is specially prepared according to the doctor’s instructions. I cannot allow you to feed him the food you’ve brought from home.

Relative:  What do you mean you cannot allow me? Who are you to instruct me? He is my relative So many restrictions. He will definitely eat food I brought.

Proceeds to open the tiffin.

Nurse:      Sir, according to the hospital rules this food is not allowed. Please don’t open your tiffin here and take this outside. You are disturbing the patient also.

Relative:   What rules? Why should I follow your rules? I pay full fees of hospital. I will do what I want and my uncle will definitely eat what I brought.

Heated argument continues. Relative starts to get aggressive. Scene ends.

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