Vol VI, Issue 3 Date of Publication: July 16, 2021
DOI: https://doi.org/10.20529/IJME.2021.012

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Justice, equality and liberty: Inspiration from the Indian Constitution for effective diabetes management

Sanjay Kalra
Madhur Verma
Diabetes Mellitus (DM) could have easily been labelled as the “black swan” of the 21st century, had Covid-19 not emerged as a pandemic. Modern diabetes care in India grapples with multiple challenges. The twin enemies of uncontrolled hyperglycaemia and unwanted hypoglycaemia pose an ethical dilemma during the decision-making process of DM management. With an unfavourable support system against this rapidly emerging public health threat, we look to the Indian Constitution for guidance. Apart from just euglycaemia (a state of normal blood glucose levels), every Indian living with DM has some requirements and rights, that can be summarised with the help of three basic principles of the Constitution, ie, justice, equality and liberty. Together, these words remind us to practise accurate and appropriate diabetes care, delivered in a patient-centred manner. Justice, equality and liberty should be incorporated into diabetes-care systems, and fraternity encouraged. This will ensure that we achieve the dreams of our founding fathers through evolution of a comprehensive disease management model.

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©Indian Journal of Medical Ethics 2021: Open Access and Distributed under the Creative Commons license ( CC BY-NC-ND 4.0),
which permits only non-commercial and non-modified sharing in any medium, provided the original author(s) and source are credited.

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