Sarah Hodges ([email protected])
Dr Sarah Hodges is a member of the History Department at the University of Warwick (UK). Her research examines the politics of health in colonial and postcolonial India. She is currently working on the project, ‘What’s at stake in the fake? Indian pharmaceuticals, African markets and global health’, for which she is PI. This is funded by a Collaborative Award from the Wellcome Trust (2018-2023), and critically re-examines our collective common sense about fake drugs and global health. She is author of Contraception, colonialism and commerce: Birth control in South India, 1920-1940 (2008), editor of Reproductive Health in India: History, Politics, Controversies (2006), and with Mohan Rao, editor of Public health and private wealth: Stem cells, surrogates and other strategic bodies (2016)