Artificial Intelligence in Health Care:
Ethics, Law and Human Rights Matters

Public Engagement

Below enlisted are public engagement activities co-hosted by the conference organizers FMES / IJME and MASUM with various educational / health organizations as pre conference activities during the period leading up to the main conference. We are open to plan and organise more such events, especially in Pune. Interested educational institutions may contact the conference organizers for the same.

  1. Public event at TISS Mumbai on July, 16, 2016: A panel presentation followed by open public debate, on End-of-life-care, euthanasia and palliative care at Tata Institute of Social Sciences.

  2. For more information please click here
    For viewing the bio sketches of the panelists, please click here
    For viewing the photographs of this event, please click here
    For viewing the video of this event, please click here

  3. Public event at Philosophy Department, Ferguson College, Pune scheduled on 2nd September, 2016:

  4. Public engagement workshop at S M Joshi foundation, Pune scheduled on 20, 21 September, 2016: To orient the mid cadre staff from non government organisations and other entities from Maharashtra on the theme issues. This workshop would involve five sessions on different aspects of the said theme.

  5. Public engagement event at Deenanath Mangeshkar Hospital Auditorium held on Friday, Nov 30, 2016, to orient the doctors, hospital staff on the theme issues.