Artificial Intelligence in Health Care:
Ethics, Law and Human Rights Matters

Guidelines for Workshop Facilitators/Organizers

Sixth National Bioethics Conference on Jan 13, 14 and 15, 2017
@ YASHADA, Baner Road, Pune, MH India

The full program of the 6th National Bioethics Conference will consist of 5 plenaries including an inaugural and a valedictory session. Through these plenaries 13 invited speakers will deliver keynote addresses. The conference has scheduled 35 parallel tracks via which 62 papers will be presented and 19 workshops/symposia will be held. There will be 16 poster presentations.

You will appreciate that we want to organize all these presentations as efficiently and smoothly as possible. Please read these instructions very carefully.

Your presentations

  • A Speakers Service Center is available during the whole conference.
  • All speakers/ presenters with a power point presentation MUST load their presentations in the Speakers Service Center after you have arrived at the Conference venue. There will be technical assistance in case you need help.
  • The organizational volunteers will help you to find this room and will supply you with all information needed at the registration desk.
  • Speakers/workshop facilitators from the first sessions on each day have to hand in their files the day before their lecture will take place.
  • All other speaker, presenters, and workshop facilitators have to hand in their presentations at least 90 minutes before their symposium/abstract/poster session will start, and preferably also the day before.

Additional Information on video files in PowerPoint
The use of video files in PowerPoint is possible, but with some strict guidelines.
You will always have to copy / bring the video files separate from the PowerPoint.
PowerPoint will support the following extensions of video files: avi, wmv, mpeg

Workshop sessions:

  • There will be multiple workshops running simultaneously constituting 6-8 parallel tracks of workshops. (For details, please refer to the final conference program at the website:
  • Each workshop session has been allocated 90 mins.
  • Each workshop might have different organisational structure to utilise these 90 mins. However, please make sure that there enough time is allocated for the audience to interact with facilitators or presenters; and engage in discussion.
  • There will not be any co-chairs other than your own facilitators mentioned in your submissions. It would therefore be your responsibility to keep the time lines for both you and audience to enjoy participation in the subsequent activities in the conference as per the program.
  • There will be 1/2 volunteers to offer any other assistance that will be required.

Prior to Your WS Session

  • You and your WS panellists/faculty/speakers should arrive at the conference room a few minutes prior to the start of the session.
  • Concern yourself with the environment - check sound, lights, laser pointer, Powerpoint presentation. There will be volunteers to assist you in this process.
  • Ask all the speakers in your workshop session to join you on stage - a few minutes before the start of your session. Ensure that you as the workshop facilitator introduce the panel of speakers to the audience.
  • Remind the panel speakers about the time limits that will be imposed on them. Describe to them the method you will use to notify them when they are nearing their presentation time limit and how you will interrupt them if they have reached the end of their allotted time. (If need be please use a cue card with a 5 minute warning that you will be provided with).

When Your WS Session Begins

  • Make any announcement received from the Conference Organiser.
  • Remind the delegates to switch off their mobile phones.
  • Directly ask members of the audience if they can hear you clearly.
  • Formally announce the beginning of the session. (If needed, politely encourage the audience to settle into their seats and conclude their conversations).
  • Introduce yourself as Session Chair/facilitator and give your affiliation.
  • Think about a general introduction to the workshop session. The initial opening of the workshop session by you as the facilitator should briefly and clearly introduce the framework and format for the session.
  • Introduce each panel presenters at the beginning of your workshop session - give their affiliation and the title of their talk.


  • Start the discussion by announcing that the floor is now open. Suggest that audience members start off before asking a question by giving their name and affiliation; interrupt them to do so if they forget.
  • Microphones will be available in conference rooms for the audience which they can use while asking questions. The microphones will managed by conference volunteers during the session.
  • If there are no questions, the workshop facilitator should have one or two questions ready to ask to get the ball rolling.

Closing the Workshop Session

When the workshop session concludes THANK the audience for attending the session and their participation and speakers/presenters for presenting their work.

State that your session is now completed.

Thank you very much in advance for your cooperation,
Kind regards,
Conference Organising Committee, NBC-6