Artificial Intelligence in Health Care:
Ethics, Law and Human Rights Matters

Guidelines for Plenary Speakers

Sixth National Bioethics Conference on Jan 13, 14 and 15, 2017
@ YASHADA, Baner Road, Pune, MH India

The full program of the 6th National Bioethics Conference will consist of 5 plenaries including an inaugural and a valedictory session. Through these plenaries 13 invited speakers will deliver keynote addresses. The conference has scheduled 35 parallel tracks via which 62 papers will be presented and 19 workshops/symposia will be held. There will be 16 poster presentations.

You will appreciate that we want to organize all these presentations as efficiently and smoothly as possible. Please read these instructions very carefully.

Your presentations:

  1. A Speakers Service Center is available during the whole conference.
  2. All speakers/ presenters with a power point presentation MUST load their presentations in the Speakers Service Center after you have arrived at the Conference venue. There will be technical assistance in case you need help.
  3. The organizational volunteers will help you to find this room and will supply you with all information needed at the registration desk.
  4. Speakers from the first sessions on each day have to hand in their presentations the day before their scheduled talks. We request the speakers of the opening plenary to either send their presentations (if power point slide deck) ahead of time.
  5. All other speakers and presenters have to hand in their presentations at least 90 minutes before their scheduled talk, and preferably the day before.

Additional Information on video files in PowerPoint

  1. The use of video files in PowerPoint is possible, but with some strict guidelines.
  2. You will always have to copy / bring the video files separate from the PowerPoint.
  3. PowerPoint will support the following extensions of video files: avi, wmv, and mpeg.

Plenary session plan and time allocation for each plenary speaker:

  1. Each plenary session is of 90 minutes.
  2. Each plenary will be guided through jointly by a pair of co-chairs. Both of them will have 5 mins each to make interventions. Co-chairs will introduce speakers, invite them to deliver keynote addresses, will steer discussion and will be time keepers. They may be using their prerogative to make a few comments on the theme of the plenary session at appropriate time during the respective plenaries.
  3. Each plenary speaker can speak up to 17-18 minutes. It is important that plenary speakers not exceed time allocated to them so as to respect time allocated for co-plenary speakers.
  4. This ensures 20-25 mins for engagement in the form of 'question & response' between plenary speakers, co-chairs and the audience. This is the most important and critical segment of plenaries at NBCs.
  5. Please ensure that you have sent your brief bio sketch to the secretariat.

There will be 2 volunteers to offer any other assistance that will be required.

Thank you very much in advance for your cooperation,
Kind regards,
Conference Organising Committee, NBC-6, Pune, MH, India.