Artificial Intelligence in Health Care:
Ethics, Law and Human Rights Matters

Call for abstracts

THEME: Healing and dying with dignity: ethical issues in palliative care, end of life care and euthanasia

Guidelines for Abstracts

Abstracts that critically discuss cutting edge themes and concepts in Bioethics and those that describe research findings or project outcomes will be selected. Five plenaries will be woven around the sub-themes – Palliative care, end-of-life care and euthanasia – of the conference. However, parallel sessions for oral presentation of papers, poster presentations, workshops, and symposia will be open to subjects from within the broader discipline of bioethics, including the conference sub-themes.

Conformity to the prescribed format is essential.

Format for Abstracts

  1. Title
  2. Authors, Designation and Institutional Affiliation (if any): Please list authors in order (First Author to Last)
  3. Background and Purpose
  4. Description of research method or ethical issues / dilemmas
  5. Results of research or outcome of ethical inquiry
  6. Discussion (relate to bioethics principles and theories) and implications for bioethics
  7. Preferred mode of presentation (Tick): Oral / Poster / Either
  8. Name of person presenting the paper at the NBC
  9. Maximum number of words (parts 3-6 above) is 250

The Scientific Committee of the conference will use, among others, the following four criteria for reviewing the abstracts:

  1. Relevance to the subject of bioethics and the conference
  2. Clarity of ideas
  3. Originality
  4. Methodological Rigour

If you are interested in conducting a workshop at the conference, please do read our workshop guidelines available online at

NB: The scientific committee appointed by the National Coordination Committee makes the final decision on the selection or abstracts and workshops

Submission by: Tuesday, 4th October 2016
Email id for submission of abstracts: [email protected]

Click here for brochure of 6th NBC: