Indian Journal of Medical Ethics


‘When medicine went mad…’

I would very much appreciate a copy of ‘When medicine went mad… ‘. Bioethics and the holocaust. Could you kindly arrange to send it to me by Value Paid Post?

Dr. V. Brahma Reddy People’s Health Society Laxmi Nagar, N. H. 7, Kurnool. 518003

(We regret we do not have copies of this book for distribution. If readers require photocopies of one or more chapters from this book for their personal use, we can send this on payment of the cost for photocopying and postage. We are sending Dr. Reddy a photocopy of the table of contents for his referral and will supply him photocopies of selected chapters. Should you need the entire volume, please ask your local bookseller to order it from the publisher: Humana Press, Totowa, New Jersey, U. S. A.

Readers interested in the subject may also wish to correspond with Ms. Helen Bamber, Secretary, Medical Foundation for the Care of Victims of Torture, 96- 98 Grafton Road, London NW5 3EJ, England. This address was kindly provided by Dr. Joan Wyatt of Leeds, England. Another invaluable resource person on this subject is Dr. Ruth Macklin, the donor of this book. She can be contacted at the Department of Bioethics, Division of Epidemiology and Social Medicine, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, 1300 Morris Avenue, Bronx, NY, 10461, U. S. A. Editor)