Most Indian hospitals have instituted such a committee principally for the purpose of checking whether proposals submitted for research meet established guidelines. Once this has been established, the researcher is permitted to proceed with his work and the committee turns to subsequent proposals. This approach make a very limited usage of the personnel recruited on such a committee. Much more can be done to improve not only the quality of research undertaken by the institution but also the care of patients in the institution.
The committee must start with an open statement on its aims and objectives. These should be circulated throughout the institution and feedback sought on how this can be improved. It is also necessary to review this mission statement periodically and revise it when necessary.
The following could form the heads under which details can be entered:
There must be at least two senior persons complementing and supplementing each other. They should, preferably, belong to different disciplines.
The obvious answer is anyone with a deep commitment to medical ethics. It is important not to skew membership by having several persons from the same discipline. It is also essential to ensure representatives of:
If the ethics committee is charged with three principal goals: patient care, research and education of faculty and other personnel, it is logical to entrust each of these to a subcommittee. Monthly meetings of a large, single committee once a month over an hour and a half or two hours are unlikely to do justice to these goals.
This will depend on the goals set for the committee. If the committee is only to restrict itself to processing applications for research, the number of such proposals will govern the dates on which meetings are to be held. Most ethics committees meet at least once a month in order to ensure that no research proposal is held up at the level of the committee.
Each member must attend at least 75% of all meetings.
Silverman (2) suggests that no more than half an hour at the start of each meeting be devoted to ‘business issues’ : reading the minutes of the previous meeting, reports from subcommittees, new issues. The remaining time must be used to discuss and explore the different moral values within the institution. This is where free discussion on ethics is encouraged and decisions sought on this basis. He suggests that discussions on specific cases, their reports having been prepared and circulated in advance, are most likely to yield results. Such cases could be selected with a view to provoking discussions on informed consent, the means by which diagnosis is disclosed to the patient and relations, expenditure incurred by patients, the rationale and justification for expensive tests or therapies, relevance of research being undertaken within the institute…
He also recommends that time be spent at each meeting on reviewing relevant papers on medical ethics published in recent issues of journals, the focus being on how these can be used to improve standards in the institution.
All research proposals must conform to standard scientific and ethical guidelines. These must be scrutinised by a designated member of the committee to ensure that there is no glaring deficiency. (In case of such a deficiency, the proposal should promptly be returned to the researcher with a note on what is needed.)
All proposals received before a stipulated date must be discussed at the next meeting.
The committee must pay special attention to:
Is the institution providing the best possible medical care? This could be considered under the following heads:
This could cover all aspects of patient care and research. Other activities of an ethics committee
Silverman (2) also recommends that the committee:
Committee set up for the wrong reasons: Such reasons include a) an attempt at avoiding prosecution under the heads: Consumers Protection Act; b) ensuring that research proposals made by members of the faculty sail smoothly through national and international agencies that offer grants and require clearance by a local ethics committee before they will take up the proposal for scrutiny; c) to form yet another power group within the institution that can hold the rest of the faculty to ransom.
Goals that are too ambitious: Silverman (2) refers to the phase when ethics committees, like infants, ‘fail to thrive.’ When formed, there is much enthusiasm and activity by members of the committee. A little later, a feeling of frustration emerges as unrealistic goals set for the committee are not achieved. He refers to plans to educate the entire faculty and resident staff on medical ethics (including those in research) in a short while as an example of such a goal.
Lack of support by the institution: If all research protocols and matters of ethical concern are not placed before the committee and if the recommendations of the committee are flouted by the administration, demoralisation is inevitable.
The committee must also be provided adequate infrastructure for its deliberations, inquiries, follow up studies and maintenance, analysis of records. It will be necessary for the committee to enter into correspondence with other experts and groups, record proceedings of its meetings, circulate the minutes, interact with experts on other ethics committees, funding agencies and similar groups.
Funds and secretarial help are mandatory for the proper functioning of such a committee.
The entire institution must want and welcome the formation of such a committee, seeing it as a means for improving standards, providing better care to patients and carrying out research of the highest standards.Poor selection of members on the committee: If these individuals are already short of time, it is unlikely that they will pay much attention to the tasks to be attended to on behalf of the committee. Cursory inspection of documents, little or no follow up action and frequent absences from meetings of the committee are expected consequences.
The members must possess a strong motivation for improving the conditions under which patients are treated and research practiced. They should have already devoted some time and energy in identifying current slip-ups and malpractice and the means to be employed in correcting them.
They must also be conversant with current trends in national and international biomedical ethics. Without continued self-education, they are likely to lapse into rigidity of approach and dogmatic decisions.